Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Chapter 38

Eva laughed, wrapping her arms around Vilde's neck. She was drunk, she was pretty sure everyone at the party – minus Sana and Yousef – were drunk.

                "I'm hungry." Eva yelled in Vilde's ear, pulling away from her. Some stupid Justin Bieber song had just come on, and Eva didn't feel like dancing anymore.

                "Then go get food." Vilde told her, still dancing.

Eva sighed, turning to look at her boyfriend – who was looking extra hot. He was sitting on the couch, by himself. She wasn't sure where Yousef had gone, but Sana didn't seem worried, so she figured he wasn't dead or anything.

She wasn't that drunk, she didn't want to have a hangover on the first day of school – because yes, her hangovers did last two days. Sometimes even three, depending on how much she drank. So, when she saw some girl sit next to Chris on the couch and lay her hand on his thigh, she got a little mad.

Chris didn't even let it phase him; he just removed her hand and continued talking to Yousef. The girl didn't take the hint, however, and placed her hand back on his thigh.

He looked incredibly annoyed, as he pushed her hand off him once more.

Eva took the opportunity to walk over to him and sit on his lap, before the girl could touch him one more time. "Hey, baby. Did ya miss me?" She asked, before kissing him.

It was a sloppy kiss, but that didn't bother either one of them. She thought she heard the girl scoff, but she wasn't exactly sure. She had more important things to focus on, like running her hands through her boyfriend's hair.

When they pulled away, they were both out of breath and the girl was no longer sitting on the couch.

                "Having fun?" Chris asked, moving his hands from Eva's back to her waist, holding her on his lap.

She nodded, smiling proudly. "You looked annoyed; I decided to come save you."

                "I don't think I've ever seen a hero so hot."

                "So, you haven't seen the new Spider-Man yet?"

They both laughed, but Eva was only half kidding. Tom Holland was a whole snack.

                "What time is it?" Chris asked, looking around the living room for a clock.

Eva pulled her phone out of her bra, and showed the time to him. It also showed her background, which was a cute picture of them sleeping on the couch together. Nina had took it and sent it to her, claiming that they were just "totally goals." Twelve year olds these days.

                "Do you think we've been here long enough?" It was 23:36; they had been there for a little over three hours.

                "I think so – why? What did you have in mind?" Eva asked, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.

                "I was thinking that we could go back to my place and I could give you something to think about while you're in school."

Eva smiled, "Give me 5 minutes to say goodbye to the girls and I'll meet you in the car."

As soon as Eva had gotten her heels off, she was thrown onto Chris' bed, him on top of her.

"I can't believe you're gonna be leaving me for 8 hours starting Monday." He mumbled, flipping her over so he could unzip her dress.

"I'm sorry, baby. I don't really have a choice." She moaned as he kissed down her spine, as he pulled the zipper down.

"How sorry are you?" He asked, throwing the dress somewhere in his room.

"So sorry." Eva told him, as he slipped a finger into her. She wasn't wearing panties, or a bra. She was feeling rebellious.

"No you're not. But you're gonna be by the end of tonight." He told her, taking his finger out and immediately replacing it with his length.

Eva let out a scream, gripping onto his shoulders. He relentlessly pounded in and out of her, going hard and rough — just how she liked it.

"CHRIS! HARDER!" She yelled, clawing at his back. She was pretty sure she was leaving claw marks, but right now, she couldn't care less.

She couldn't hold it in anymore, and just as he pulled out, she squirted all over.

Just seeing that was enough to send Chris over the edge, and he released all over her stomach.

A/N: welp. That happened. So this was the last chapter, however there is gonna be an epilogue. I haven't written it yet, but it'll most likely be written by the time I publish this.
Love ya muffins, hope you enjoyed the smut (:

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