Chapter Thirty-Four

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Chapter 34

Eva woke up the next morning with Chris' arms wrapped around her.

She stretched, trying not to wake him up.

But as usual, he was up before her. "Good morning." He whispered in her ear, pressing a kiss to her forehead.

"Morning, baby." She responded, turning over to give him a kiss. "How long have you been up?" She asked, getting comfortable.

"I don't know, not that long. About twenty minutes. I've just been watching you sleep." He answered, running his fingers through her hair.

"Because that's not creepy at all."

"It's not!" He exclaimed, defending himself.

"It's like Stefan and Elena. I don't like Stefan and Elena. At all."

"Never compare me to Stefan." Chris gasped, offended.

Eva let out a laugh, "I'm not. Elena was the one watching him sleep. I think. Once we finish The Vampire Diaries, I think we should watch Eyewitness."

"Noora and William just finished The Vampire Diaries, and William said that Stefan d—"

"SHUT UP. I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT!" Eva pulled away from her boyfriend, and put her hands over her ears – blocking him out.

Chris laughed at her, taking her hands away from her ears. "Okay, okay. I'll stop. Now, listen to me."

Eva huffed, and sat up. "What?"

"Go home."

"Excuse me?" Eva gasped, looking at her boyfriend, very offended.

"Go home, and get ready. I'm taking you out today."

Eva looked into Chris' eyes, "Where?"

"To the lake. Then we're going to dinner. Now, go, hurry up. It's already 11:30."


About an hour later, Eva was getting into Chris' car. "You look beautiful." Chris told her, giving her a kiss.

"Thank you," She responded by kissing him back.


Eva nodded, "Ready."

Chris and Eva drove in silence for a few minutes, until Chris broke the silence. "So, you ready to go back to school soon?"

"Ha. That's funny. No, not at all."

"Why not?"

"Because it means that I can't spend every day with you, duh." She said, with a laugh.

"Mhm. No, really, why?" Eva shrugged, thinking about it for a minute.

"I hate school. I know this is our last year, and our russebuss year and everything, but I'm just not looking forward to it at all. It's going to be so boring, I mean – you and William aren't going to be there, Jonas and me aren't friends anymore, I don't think. I'm not even interested in the whole Russ thing, anyway."

"Yeah, I know. You never have been – remember that party when you told me you thought it was lame?"

They both laughed.

"Yeah, well, my opinion on it really hasn't changed since then. I mean, it's just been a whole lot more drama filled than I expected. There was the whole thing with the Pepsi Max squad and ours ... Sana still isn't sure if she even wants to be in it, Noora and I are thinking about dropping out, and Chris just goes with the flow ... Vilde is ... well, she's Vilde."

Chris nodded, and Eva could tell he was thinking about what to say next.

"I mean, our russebuss was lit. But ... you know that. Do you guys even have a name for it?"

Eva shook her head, "We got a van that said "Los Losers" on it, but I don't think we're actually gonna go with that name."

"Los Losers?"

Eva laughed, "Don't ask."

Chris shrugged, as he pulled into a parking space. "So, you ready to row a boat?"


Chris turned to look at Eva, a small smile on his face. "What did you think we would be doing?"

"Um ... I don't know. Just ... hanging out, I guess."

"Yeah, that is what we're going to be doing. Just ... on a boat."


"Paddle!" Chris exclaimed, and Eva groaned.

"I can't! It's too heavy."

"If I can row it, you can too!'

"You're a guy; you're supposed to be stronger than me."


"Chris!" Eva responded, mockingly. They had been attempting to row the paddleboat for about a half hour, and gotten pretty much nowhere.

Chris sighed, "Okay, let's go back."

Eva laughed, "I'm sorry. I tried!" Chris looked back at her, a sarcastic look on his face.

"Sure. Sure you did."

They were both quiet until they reached the shore, and Eva smiled when Chris helped her out of the boat.

"Now where are we going?" Eva asked, linking hands with Chris.

"Out to eat, I told you that."

"But it's only a little past 3?"

Chris sighed, sending a pointed look to Eva. "We have to stop back at my house for a minute, so I can get something."


"A picnic?" Eva asked, as Chris got into the car, with a picnic basket in hand.

"Yeah, why? Is it a totally lame idea? I asked William and he said tha—"

"No. it's cute. Really, it's a cute idea."

"Cute? I'm not cute. I'm Chris Schistad. I'm hot, I'm sex—"

"Shut up." Eva interrupted him, once more. "You're adorable, and I love you for it. Now come on. I wanna go on a picnic date with my sexy boyfriend."

Chris smiled at her, and put the picnic basket in the backseat of his car, because pulling out of the driveway.


A/N: HEY BABIES. SORRY I HAVEN'T UPDATED IN LIKE A WEEK. i've honestly just been so lazy and i know that isn't an excuse, but i hope these next few chapters make up for it.

yes, i'm putting up a couple more chapters today to make up for not posting for the last few days whew go me!

also i know i'm so late to this but i just started eyewitness last night, iconic. truly. i love philkas so much this isn't a game

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