Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter 19

Chris knocked on Eva's window, not sure if her mom was home or not.

                "Chris!" Eva smiled, calling his name as a greeting, as she opened the window for him. "What're you doing here?"

Chris shrugged, "I can't come see my girlfriend when I want too?"

                "Well, of course you can! I just wasn't expecting you." She responded, giving him a light kiss on the lips and a hug.

                "You don't have another guy here, do you?" He asked, jokingly, as he hugged her back.

She rolled her eyes, flopping down on her bed. "No, weirdo. My mom left earlier – she's wanted in the US for something."

He nodded, laying down next to her on her bed. "What're you doing?"

Eva shrugged, pointing towards her lap top. "I started watching Criminal Minds a little earlier, I'm not sure if I really like it or not."

                "Criminal Minds and chill?" Chris asked, pulling her into his arms.

She laughed, shaking her head. "No, it's boring. I have something else in mind, though." Eva turned over, pressing her lips to her boyfriends.

They kissed for a minute, before Chris pulled away. "Actually ... um, can we ... can we just talk?"

Eva looked at Chris, staring intently in his eyes. "Of course. What's up? You aren't breaking up with me, already, right?"

Chris laughed, shaking his head. "No, no. I'm not. I swear."

                "Oh, alright then, what's up, boyfriend?"

Chris sighed, pulling his phone out. "My mom called." He showed her the call log on his phone, pointing to the one that read "Mom." 2:37 AM.

                "Why did she call you so late ... early? I never know how to label times."

                "Honestly, I don't even know. All I really remember was going off on her, I was half asleep."

Eva sat up, pulling out of her boyfriend's embrace. "You went off on her?" She asked, raising her eyebrows in shock. "What'd you say?"

                "Oh, yaknow ... something along the lines of "wire me some money," and "try to call your daughter on her birthday, for once." Like I said ... it was late."

Eva took a deep breath, and Chris avoided eye contact. "Did she wire you some money?"

                "Yeah. Enough to pay the rent and buy some food. The part-time job that I got helps some, but Nina's kind of a handful. I just don't know how to say no to her."

At this, Eva smiled. People could say whatever they wanted to about Chris, but no one could deny that he was truly the best big brother anyone could ever ask for. "You spoil her." She finally said, still smiling.

Chris blushed, actually blushed. "OH MY GOD, IS CHRISTOFFER SCHISTAD BLUS—" Chris cut her off by kissing her.

                "Are you done?" He asked, pulling away, leaving her breathless.

                "Yeah, but you aren't." She smirked, pulling his lips back onto hers.


A short while later, Eva and Chris were cuddled up in sweats, watching Criminal Minds.

                "Which one is your favorite?" Chris asked, in a husky voice. He was half asleep.

                "Reid." Eva answered back, in the same tone of voice – except, slightly less attractive.

                "Really? Mine is Garcia. I love her."


                "I don't know – why do you love Reid?"

                "I like that he's different. He remembers everything, and he'll randomly start spewing facts, I think it's cute. Plus the fact that he's fucking adorable. I mean, how is he even an FBI agent? He's the sweetest thing in the whole entire world. He should be like a ... a librarian, or something. I don't know."

Chris laughed, shaking his head. He pulled Eva in closer to him, who in turn, snuggled against him. Eva loved cuddling with Chris; he was just so good at it. She was convinced he was good at everything.

                "Hey, where's Nina at, tonight?" Eva asked suddenly, remembering his little sister.

                "She's at our cousin's house." He responded, immediately.

                "Oh. How come you aren't spending time with her?"

Chris shrugged, looking down at her. "Because I'm here with you."

                "You should bring her over one day, you know. I miss her."

                "Aren't you coming to her birthday party?" Chris asked, and Eva paused the show.

She sat up, turning to face Chris. "I didn't know anything about a birthday party."

Chris laughed, slowly at first, and then Eva was worried he might have a heart attack.

                "Okay ... calm down. It wasn't that serious." Eva told him, a little confused about his reaction.

                "Chill, my little alcoholic. She's turning 12. It's not gonna be a huge beer fest." He had composed himself some, but he was still chuckling. "You should've seen your face! You looked genuinely offended I hadn't told you about this. Oh my God, it was just something that William and I are planning for her. It's a surprise, so we didn't tell anyone. Well – I mean, he probably told Noora. He's very whipped, you know."

                "Boy, shut up. You're whipped, too." Eva crossed her arms, glaring at Chris.

                "Am not!"

                "Are too!"

                "Maybe a little." Chris admitted, giving Eva a small kiss.

                "Where's the party gonna be at?"

                "William's. I'm just gonna tell Nina that we're going over there for cake, and then when we get there, all her friends are gonna pop out."

                "So, a surprise party?"

                "Yeah." Chris nodded his head, looking very proud of himself for coming up with the idea.

                "Do you think she'll like it?"

                "Of course! She's 12, not 22. Who doesn't love a surprise party, when they're 12?"


A/N: aH THIS IS LONG. it's five pages it's actually not that long BUT originally it was only 3 and i was like lol wtf no this is to short. so then i wrotE SOME MORE SO HERE YA GO.

i think that their date might be in 2 different chapters, and have both chris and eva's pov.

however. i NEED IDEAS FOR THEIR TRIPLE DATE!!! WHAT SHOULD THEY DO!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! i kinda have something in mind but idk GIVE ME YOUR IDEAS! thank you

lots of love for ya cupcakes.

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