[One Shot]

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A/N: hey yall ! this like a extra chapter ???? idk but hey its smut so yall gonna like iT BC UR ALL NASTIES
[this set before they was dating by thE waY]
alé stop reading perhaps
Eva moaned, as Chris kissed down her stomach.

     "If you were my girlfriend, I could do this." He whispered, kissing her there.

She gasped, but she couldn't do anything. Chris had tied her hands together at the top of her bed, and her feet apart.

Her eyes were covered with a blindfold, leaving her completely and totally vulnerable to Chris.

   "Beg." He said, simply, and she felt him get off the bed.

   "Chris!" She exclaimed, wiggling around on the bed.

   "What?" He asked, using his innocent voice.


   "Please what?"

   "Please fuck me!"

She heard him laugh, but that couldn't be him because it felt like ...

   "CHRIS!" Eva screamed, as Chris licked her, just once.

   "Is this what you want?" He asked against her, laughing as she nodded her head — vigorously.

Him laughing sent vibrations through her whole entire body, and she moaned.

   "Maybe later." She could almost see him shrug, and then suddenly, her binds were being undone.

Just her legs, though.

Chris had her flipped over faster than she could comprehend what was going on.

   "For now, you get this." He told her, and in one full thrust, he was in her.

Eva couldn't help it, she screamed.

No one ever said that Chris couldn't give it good.



   "Chris! Please, please fuck me. Daddy, please." She was so sexually frustrated, she barely knew what she was saying.

That was all it took, because then Chris was pumping in and out of her, grabbing her hair to pull her head back.

   "Is this what you wanted? You dirty little slut, I bet you're loving this."

Eva loved when Chris talked dirty to her, she wasn't sure why — it was one of her guilty pleasures.

   "Yes, daddy!" Eva yelled, as Chris hit her G-Spot.

   "Right there!"

Chris could tell that Eva was getting close to her release, and stopped.

   "CHRIS, WHAT THE FUCK?" Eva yelled, wishing her hands were free, so she could smack some sense into that boy.

   "Bad girls get punished, Eva. Good girls get rewards. You haven't been very good, have you?"

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