Chapter Twenty-Five

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Chapter 25

Chris and Eva said their goodbye's to their friends, and headed back to Chris' house.

                "I'm staying over tonight, I assume?"

                "Yeah. But we're calling Nina at midnight and singing her happy birthday. She's sleeping over her friend's house tonight." Chris explained to her, as they pulled in his driveway.

                "That's weird." Chris muttered, getting out of the car.

                "What is?" Eva asked.

                "I could've sworn I turned off all the lights in the house before I left." He told her, furrowing his eyebrows.

                "Maybe Nina came home early?" Eva suggested, but she couldn't help the shiver of fear that went down her spine. What if there was a burglar in his house?

As if he heard her thoughts, he said, "Stay behind me." As they walked to the front door.

                "Nina, you home?" He called out, stepping into the house. "Nina?" He called once more, as he heard footsteps running down the stairs.

                "CHRIS! CHRIS! Hi, baby!" His mom slowed to a walk as she reached the last three steps, and noticed that Eva was with Chris. "Oh, hi, who's your friend?"

                "What the hell are you doing here?" Chris asked, not greeting her or responding to her question.

                "I'm Eva." Eva nearly whispered – still feeling scared. Chris never, ever wanted to talk about either of his parents, but when he did, all he had ever said was that both of them walked out on him and Nina.

Which was part of the reason why he was so protective and loving towards her.

                "I'm here for Nina's birthday." His mom responded, not acknowledging Eva introducing herself.

                "She doesn't want you here." Chris spit at her.

She took a deep breath, "Shouldn't we let her decide that?" Exhale. "Hi, my names Lisa." She said, turning to Eva. Chris watched in disgust as Eva held out her hand for his mom to shake.

                "Hi – I'm Eva ... Chris' g-girlfriend?" She said it like a question, sending a glance to Chris.

His mom only laughed, "I'm sure. That'll last what ... two weeks?" This was directed to Chris.

                "No. It'll last a lot longer than that. Again, I ask, why are you here?"

                "I told you. I'm here for Nina's birthday."

                "Her birthday isn't until tomorrow. Or did you forget?"

                "I know when her birthday is, Christoffer." His mom was mad now, but Chris couldn't care less. He was madder.

He snorted at this, "Right. Did you forget that I had to remind you when her birthday is? You know, when I talked to you the other day?"

                "That doesn't mean that I didn't already know."

                "And when's my birthday?" He asked, crossing his arms.

                "It's ... Decem ..."

                "It's October 7th." Chris cut her off before she could say anything.

                "Oh. Right ... I—I knew that."

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