Chapter Twenty-Three

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Chapter 23

About 20 minutes later, their group had paid for two games, got their lane, and put their shoes on.

It was girls VS boys.

"Okay, just so you guys know, I'm not very good at this." Yousef told Chris and William, as they picked their balls out.

Chris laughed, slapping Yousef on the shoulder. "That fine, bro. We aren't either. William – remember when we went bowling wi—"

"WE DON'T TALK ABOUT THAT! THAT WAS A BAD DAY FOR EVERYONE." William cut off Chris, pushing a blue ball into his hands.

"He's a bit of a drama queen." Chris whispered to Yousef, who let out a small laugh.

"I think he'd get along with my friends. I think you both would – to be honest." Yousef responded, picking a red ball out for himself. William had chosen black.

"Are you girls ready, yet?" Sana called, from their lane. "We wanna beat you already."

The three boys exchanged glances. "Girl, you really thought you were gonna beat us!" William exclaimed, sounding offended.

"Sorry, baby. We're gonna beat you." Chris kissed Eva on the cheek, and she pushed him off her.

"No, baby, you really aren't."

Twelve minutes and thirty-seven seconds later, they were on the ninth set of pins, and the girls were beating the boys.

Their total score was 209, and the boys was a mere 124.

No one had been informed that Noora was a professional fucking bowler.

"THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE!" Chris yelled as Noora made her fifth strike. In a row.

"No, boo, it's just good." Eva corrected, as she got up to take her turn.

Chris turned to William and Yousef, who were talking about basketball. "Guys! Hello, do you see a basketball court here? NO! Talk about bowling, for God's sake. We can't fucking lose!"

"And ... why, exactly is that?" William asked, looking confused.


"You think my hairs pretty?" Yousef sounded flattered.

"IS MY HAIR PRETTY, TOO?" William whisper-yelled back.

Chris rolled his eyes, and looked at Eva. She had a nice ass, as she got into position and took her shot. She got six pins down, but it split down the middle, leaving the last four on separate sides. There was no way she could get a strike. Sana couldn't bowl to save her life; the only one left to worry about was Noora.

"William. You have to distract your girlfriend. We have to win!"

"Not till you compliment my hair." William grumbled sipping his soda, grumpily.

"Fine, you have pretty hair, too. I like the swoop."

"Thank you! NOORA!"


The boys lost the first game.

The good news?

They won the second.

By three points.

It was still a win.

"Ha! WE WON!" Chris was still on this, as him and Eva were driving to the second destination.

"Ha! We won, too!" She responded, looking in the mirror to make sure Yousef and Sana were still behind them. Noora and William were leading the way, since Noora made the reservations.

"Its 7:30, isn't that a little late for dinner?" Chris asked, looking at the clock.

"It's a late dinner. That's the point."

Chris rolled his eyes, putting his hand on Eva's bare thigh. She was wearing a dress, and he knew that she was turned on when he did this. It wasn't the first time he had drove her somewhere.


"Chris!" Eva warned.

"What?" He asked, innocently, as he moved his hand up a bit.

"Chri—CHRIS!" Her warning turned into a moan as he touched her right there.

"I'm not doing anything." He smirked, as they stopped behind William and Noora at a red light.

Eva only moaned in response, as he moved her panties to the side and pushed a finger into her.

"Chris ... don't stop!" She whimpered as he pushed another finger in and curled them both in a "come here" motion.

"What's my name?" He asked, moving his fingers in and out of her.

"DADDY!" Eva yelled, closing her eyes in pleasure.

"And don't you forget it." He told her, pulling his fingers out before she could finish.

"CHRIS!" Eva yelled, this time in anger.

Chris didn't respond, he only licked his fingers.


"We're here." He told her a few seconds later, pulling into a parking space.

"I fucking hate you."

"You love me." He corrected her, getting out of the car.

A/N: *sips tea and cHOKES*
well. that escalated quickly

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