Chapter Nine

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Chapter 9

"Eva! Wake up, I'm starving!" Vilde screamed, right in Eva's ear. Without thinking, she stuck her hand out, and smacked her across the face.

"What the fuck!" Vilde screamed, even more annoyingly.

"Oh. Sorry." Eva mumbled, pushing the sleep out of her eyes. The rest of her friends were all spread out around her basement, laughing, while Vilde's face was bright red.

She shouldn't have woken me up. Eva thought to herself, stretching out in her bed.

"What's for breakfast?" Chris asked the first one to compose herself.

"Why don't we just go out?" Eva shrugged, finally pushing herself out of bed.

"Because we're poor?"

"Oh, true. I'm sure we have eggs or something upstairs."

"Have we found a party yet, by the way?"

"I'm sure we'll find something."

"Did you talk to William last night?" Eva asked.

"Yeah, we texted for a little while – while you guys were drunk out of your minds." Noora responded, smiling a bit. "We're going out to the lake today. Are you hanging out with Chris?"

Eva shook her head.

"I don't know, maybe. Maybe not. It just depends."

"On what?"

"If I'm feeling up to it or not. I probably won't be."

"Why not?"

"I don't know. I was thinking last night—"

"—you were drunk, last night."

Eva rolled her eyes; her mind was the most clear when she was drunk, for one reason or another.

"I know this. Anyways, back to my story. I was drunk, but I was thinking. And what I was thinking was that – he's a fuckboy. While I already knew this, and, while I've already called him this, I just realized what that really meant."

"You're in love with him, shut the fuck up and get up here to make us food." Chris yelled, causing Noora and Eva laugh.

"I'm not in love with him." Eva mumbled, following Noora up the stairs.


Can we meet?


What're you doing today?


Can we meet?


Eva sighed, turning her phone off and looking in her bedroom mirror.

"You're a mess, you know that?" She asked herself, running a hand through her hair.

The girls had already left, all claiming to have some sort of plans. That was fine with Eva; she wanted to be by herself. She had some things to think about.

But then, as always, her thoughts led her to Chris.

And then she missed him.

So she texted him.

Her phone dinged, and she immediately dived for it.

Sure. The lake?

Yeah. Noon?

That works.

Without realizing it, Eva found herself smiling. She checked the time on her phone, and almost screamed. It was already 10:37; she barley had any time to get ready.


A/N: the next chapter is very long and soft. wish i didn't cry writing it. 

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