Chapter Five

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chapter five

Eva paced the floor, continuously looking at her phone. It was already midnight, and Chris hadn't even texted her yet. She was praying that he hadn't changed his mind, and wasn't really coming.

Although Noora was right, it wasn't her fault. He hooked up with that Eleven lookalike, and that was the reason she hooked up with Jonas! He could have prevented the whole thing, but no, he HAD to go get meatballs.

Eventually, Eva started to get mad. And before she knew it, the clock was reading 2:29 in the morning. She narrowed her eyes, quickly unlocking her phone. Chris had not texted, called, or FaceTimed her. He had better be dead, or in a coma. Those were the only two valid excuses for not texting her back.

Hey. Guess you aren't coming over, whatever. That's fine. Don't talk to me ever again.


Hey, guess you aren't coming over. That's fine. Something important came up, right?


Are you com-


I guess we'll talk tomorrow.



"Chris! Give me the remote."



"Please, what?"

"Please, daddy?" Eva spoke in a low, sultry tone, as she got up from her very comfortable laying position, and hugged Chris from behind. They were in her bed, having a chill day and watching Netflix. Or, trying to watch Netflix. She wanted to watch Fresh Prince of Bel Air, but he wanted to watch Criminal Minds.

"No." He answered, but he had taken on a completely different tone of voice. It was more husky.

"Please?" She asked once more, pressing a kiss to his neck, his weak spot.

She felt him shudder beneath her, and before she had time to react, he had pulled her onto him, and tangled his hands in her hair, the remote long forgotten.

Using this to her advantage, she pushed him back on the bed, so that she was straddling him.

"You're so beautiful." He whispered, pushing her hair behind her ear. Eva smiled.

"Thank you, and thank you." She exclaimed, grabbing the remote and rolling off of him. "Now, can I watch Fresh Prince in peace, please?"

"That was mean. I'm gonna get you back."

"Yeah, yeah. I can't hear you."

Eva woke up, a big smile on her face. She had dreamed about Chris, which wasn't rare these days. , Then she remembered last night, and immediately went for her phone. Please text me. Please text me. Please text me. She crossed her fingers, as she turned her phone on. Scrolling through the notifications, she almost screamed when she saw the text from Chris.

I was going to come over – swear. But Nina and I started watching a movie and we both fell asleep. Wanna meet up today?

The message had been sent at 5:13 in the morning, only a few hours after she went to bed. It was now almost noon.

Definitely. Can I come over? She sent it and started getting ready, it didn't really matter what the answer was – she was going to see him.


A/N: i really gotta stop writing at 2 am i sound like a fucking crackhead. sorry guys, the next chapter *may* be a bit better.

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