Chapter Thirty-Five

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Chapter 35

                "Okay, so what do you have in here?" Eva asked Chris, as they put the blanket down on the grass.

                "Fruit salad."

                "That's it ..."

                "No," Chris laughed, "There's other stuff, too. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, all kinds of drinks. There's other stuff too, Nina packed it so I'm not exactly sure what's in it."

Eva laughed, "Always getting Nina to do your dirty work."

                "No, not always ... just ... sometimes. Perks of having an older sister, I guess, right?"

Eva shook her head, as Chris sat down next to her and opened the picnic basket. "I was right. Fruit salad, pb&j sandwiches, browni—OOH BROWNIES! Juice pouches, alcohol – hey! She shouldn't even know what alcohol is."

They both laughed, as Chris handed her a bowl for the fruit salad.

                "So, what do you want to talk about?" He asked her, as they loaded up on food.

Eva shrugged, taking a bite of her sandwich. "I don't know. What do you want to talk about?"

Chris took looked out at the trees, taking a deep breath. "Look, I know what you're going into your last year of school, your russ year. And I know, trust me, I know, that this year is crazy. So – all I'm saying is that if you want to take a break ..."

                "Um, are you ... are you breaking up with me?"

                "NO!" Chris exclaimed, feeling his cheeks heat up slightly. He hoped that Eva didn't notice it. "No, all I'm saying is that I know you'll want to go to parties and hook up with guys, that's what most teenagers do. No one wants to be in a committed relationship during russebuss. So, if you wanna take a break, that's fine. I'm just saying that I totally would understand if that's what you choose."

Eva nodded, before smacking Chris on the back of his head.

                "OW! What was that for?"

                "You're an idiot, you egghead. I don't want to break up with you, or take a break or anything else. I told you, I think russ is stupid anyway. I know that you had a wild russ year, but I won't. Contrary to popular belief, I'm loyal. I don't cheat, and I certainly don't hook up with random people."

                "Um ... Eva?"

                "I DON'T."

                "Yes, you do."


                "You cheated on Jonas with me."

                "W-well ... that ... that was ..."

                "T-t-t-that w-was what?" Chris made fun of her stuttering, causing her to roll her eyes.

                "It was a one off. I don't cheat, okay? What we did ... that was just because I thought that Jonas was cheating on me, but I regretted it. And every other time that I hooked up with you, I was single. And when I hooked up with Adam, yeah, I was seeing you ... but that was casual. That's it."

Chris nodded, with a small smile on his face.

                "What Why are you smiling?" Eva narrowed her eyes at her boyfriend, who only laughed in response.

                "I love you." He told her, taking the bowl out of her hands and pushing her down onto the blanket, getting on top of her and kissing her.

She kissed him back, and Chris had to bite back a moan as Eva threaded her fingers through his hair.

She always has to do that. He thought to himself, as he slipped his tongue into her mouth. She knew that all it took to turn him on was playing with his hair, and yet she always had to do it.

               "Wanna go back to your house?" Eva asked, as they pulled away for a minute, remembering that they were in public.

               "Nina's home. Yours?"

A/N: i didn't mean for this to be short but i've figured out that i really don't like writing smut lmao sorry i love you guys ❤️

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