Chapter Eleven

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Chapter 11

Eva woke up in the morning, and quickly grabbed her phone.

She had 3 missed calls, 1 voicemail, and about 100 text messages from Chris.

Sighing, she ignored the text messages and chose to listen to the voicemail instead.

                "Hey, baby. I'm so sorry that I didn't tell you I wouldn't be home. Nina and I decided to spend the day together, with no phones. I didn't even think twice about texting you – which is definitely on me. We went to a carnival, and didn't get home until late; I didn't even turn my phone on until Nina went to bed – which was about 10 minutes ago. Call me when you get this, please."

Eva smiled, turning her phone off. She was still a little annoyed with Chris; she still found it incredibly cute that Chris hung out with his little sister. He was definitely a fuckboy, although Eva was working on changing that, he was completely different when it came to his little sister.

He would do anything for her, even turn off his phone and completely go AWOL for an entire day.

Eva sighed, calling Chris back. It was 10am; she hoped he'd be up.

                "Hello?" He answered, in his adorably sexy morning voice. A shiver of desire went through Eva, but she tried to ignore it.

                "Hey, nice going AWOL on me yesterday."

                "Didn't you get my voicemail or 3,000 texts?"

                "I'm kidding, I'm kidding." Eva laughed, shaking her head.

                "Oh. Well, we could hang out today. I promise I won't ditch you or anything."

                "I can't, I already promised Noora and Sana that we'd spend the day together."

                "Come over tonight?"

                "Won't Nina be there?"

                "Okay, fine. I'll come there?" Eva nodded, and then felt like smacking herself.

                "Yeah, that'll work. Try to actually come, perhaps." Chris laughed on the other line.

                "I will. Bye."

                "Bye." Eva hung up the phone, an even bigger smile on her face.


                "So, he just totally ditched you?" Noora asked, taking a bite of her ice cream.

                "Yup. I can't really be mad though, he was hanging out with his sister. I ... shouldn't be mad, should I?" Eva asked, furrowing her eyebrows.

                "I wouldn't be." Noora shrugged.

                "I would be! He could have at least texted you." Sana piped up, taking a sip of her water.

                "Yeah, but if they had a no phone day –"

                "Do they often do that? How do you even know he was really with his sister?"

                "I mean, it's not like he doesn't hang out with her often. He's always with her – but they've never had a no phone day, I don't think. Not as long as I can remember, anyway."

                "That's weird." Noora commented.

                "Yeah – but, I ... ugh. I don't know. I don't think he was with another girl."

                "We're not saying that, well. I mean, I'm not. But it's just weird, don't you think?" Noora smiled, a bit. Sana, on the other hand did not.

                "I think him and Yousef hit it off at the party, before you dragged him off. I could ask Yousef to talk to him, if you want." Sana couldn't hide the smile at the mention of Yousef's name.

                "Could you? That'd be great." Eva smiled.

                "Speaking of, what's going on with you and Yousef?" Noora winked.

                "Nothing. He's in Turkey still – but he's talking about coming back sooner than August."

Noora and Eva exchanged glances.

                "What?" Sana narrowed her eyes, looking between the two girls.

                "Nothin'." Eva shrugged, as Noora giggled.

                "I don't like either of you."

                "But we love you!' Noora exclaimed, and then continued laughing, this time joined by Eva.

                "Ugh. You're impossible." Sana rolled her eyes, but couldn't help the small laugh that escaped her lips.


A/N: okay, i lied, this chapter didn't really have a whole lot of mohnstad in this chapter, HOWEVER, however, there will be a lottttt of mohnstad in the next chapter. i promise. i was watching criminal minds while writing this chapter, so, like, ya know i was distracted by HOW GOOD REID LOOKS IN SEASON 12 WHY DID I NOT WATCH THIS WHILE IT WAS AIRING LMAOOOOO. okay, bye. i'm sorry i posted this so late. lots of love for yall.

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