Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter 16

Eva rolled over, grabbing for her phone.

"Hello?" She groaned, answering it without looking at the contact name.

"Are you still sleeping? Get up! I'm on my way to your house." Noora then hung up, not giving Eva any time to respond.

Finally looking at the clock, Eva rolled her eyes. It wasn't even noon yet, and Noora was yelling at her for sleeping in.

"Chris. Wake up." Eva rolled over, smacking Chris' bare chest.

"Mm. What?" He mumbled, running a hand over his face.

"You have to go, Noora's coming over."

"So why do I have to go?"

"Because we're probably gonna go shopping or something – for the big date tomorrow."

"What date?" Chris asked, immediately wide awake.

Eva laughed, rolling her eyes. "I don't know – some date that we're all going on, including you. Yousef is coming back from Turkey early, so Noora and I decided that him and Sana are going to go on a triple date with you, me, Noora and William. Wlliam didn't mention this to you?"

"I'm sure Noora hasn't even told him yet."

"Probably not."

"I won't say anything to him, he hates going on double dates – let alone triple dates. I'm sure that Noora's waiting to tell him, so he can't back out at the last minute."

"And what about you?"

Chris smiled at Eva, leaning into kiss her. "What about me?"

"Do you like double dates? Or more importantly, triple dates – since, you know ... we are dating now." She kissed him back, feeling him smile.

"I love triple dates."

"Mhm. Okay, now go! Go! Noora's already on her way."


"What were you even doing after we left? I know you weren't having sex, with company downstairs."

"William's mom is in town."


"She came back last night, I guess – and she wants to have a family dinner, with Niko and William and William's girlfriend."

"Noora ..."

Noora sighed, putting her head in her hands. They were at the food court in the mall, eating an early dinner after shopping for a few hours.

"It's a mess. I mean, obviously, their mom doesn't know about the whole situation with Niko and I. And I don't think William wants to tell her, but I mean, wouldn't it be rude if I don't meet her? Not to mention the fact, if William and Niko go to dinner together – they might kill each other. More like, William might kill him. He hates Niko."

Eva bit into a French fry, chewing thoughtfully.

"Why don't you just have William tell her he's busy on that night, and then ask her if she wants to come over for dinner or something another night?"

"But what if she tries to reschedule?"

"I don't know – just tell her it'd be easier for both of you if she went there."

Noora sighed, thinking it over. "Yeah but what if – what if she wants Niko to come over, too?"

Eva shrugged, that stumped her. "I don't know. I mean, you could always just tell her what happened."

"You're funny." Noora laughed, without humor.

"No – I'm serious. I mean, maybe it's for the best if you told her that her son is a fucking psychopath who should be locked up for a very, very long time."

"Yeah, you know, for some reason, I don't think that'd go over very well."

Eva shrugged, taking another fry from the basket. "I'm just saying, Noora. The truth can't stay hidden for long."

"Speaking of truths, have you told Jonas that you're dating Chris?"


"Have you even talked to Jonas since you guys slept together and then you snuck out of his house?"


"Don't you think you should do that?"

"Not really, no."


"Noora!" Eva sighed, pulling her phone out of her purse and going to her and Jonas' messages. "He's been sending me messages nonstop since that day, I just haven't responded. I don't know what to respond – or when. Either I've been with Chris or you guys. I haven't really had a spare moment to myself ... what are you doing?"

Eva looked at Noora, who was typing away on her phone.

"There. Done. I texted him and told him you guys need to meet and talk."


"Eva!" Noora mimicked Eva's voice from just seconds before, causing Eva to laugh a little.

"I hate you."

"No, you don't. You love me. Want me to go with you?"

"No. I think this is something I have to do on my own. I have to tell him, finally that it's over. Over for good."

"Aw! Look at my little Eva, all grown up and in a serious relationship with the most notorious fuckboy in all of Norway."

"Haha, funny. I could say the same thing about you."

Noora rolled her eyes at Eva, and threw a fry at her.

"HEY! DON'T' WASTE FOOD!" Eva yelled, picking the fry off the table and popping it into her mouth.

"You're crazy."

"You love me, though."


A/N: UGH THIS IS SO LATE IT'S CURRENTLY 1:08 AM BUT I SWEAR THIS IS THE ONLY TIME ALL DAY I EVER HAVE TO WRITE. which is weird because i literally don't leave my house?????? i have no social life. but ANYWAY hello hi how are you DID YOU GUYS ENJOY MY SMUT LAST NIGHT THAT WAS LIT ASF BRO OMG. 

yes, jonas will *sadly* be in not the next chapter but the chapter after that because tHATS EVA'S CHAPTER THE NEXT CHAPTER IS CHRIS DUH. 

lots of love for you muffins!!!!

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