Chapter Ten

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Chapter 10

"Don't you have somewhere to be?"

"Nope." Nina smiled up at Chris, who rolled his eyes in response.

"Eva's coming over."

Nina sighed.


Nina shrugged, "Nothing. We just don't really spend time together, anymore."

"Yes we do! We just watched a movie together last night."

"No, we watched a movie with William. We haven't done anything together, as in, by ourselves, in weeks. I get that you're in love with Eva and all – but, I'm still your sister."

Chris sat down on the couch, next to her, and took a deep breath.

"Nina, I love you. You know that, right?"

Nina rolled her eyes. "Well, of course I know that. You're my brother, you have to love me."

"Do you want me to cancel with Eva? We can do something. Like go get ice cream or see a movie or –"

"No. because whatever we do, you'll be on your phone, texting her."

Chris shook his head, smiling at his sister. "Nope. I promise. We'll do a day with no phones – but that means you too."

Nina rolled her eyes, reaching for her phone on the coffee table. "Fine." And with that, she turned off her phone. "I'll text Eva and let her know I can't make it today, but it's your fault when she comes over here to kill me."

Nina giggled.

"Oh my God! Is that a smile I see?"

"Oh, shut up, you big baby and turn your phone off. I want ice cream! I just have to go change." And with that, she took off up the stairs.

Hey, sorry, something came up with Nina. Can't hang out today.

Simple, and easy to the point.


"Do you want some?" Nina asked, holding the cotton candy out to Chris.

"No! How are you still eating? That's all we've done today!" Nina shrugged, taking another bite of her cotton candy.

"Because foods good?" Chris laughed, taking a sip of his water.

He and Nina had decided to go spend the day at the local carnival, after getting ice cream. All day they had spent playing carnival games, going on rides, and of course eating food. Well, Nina had been eating food, mostly. Chris really had no idea where she put all of it, she was incredibly skinny, and yet she ate like a damn horse.

"Chris! Let's take a picture."

"I thought you said no phones." He pointed out, raising an eyebrow at his little sister.

"No, stupid. On my camera." She pulled out the pink Polaroid camera she had gotten for Christmas.

"Oh, I knew that!" He laughed, trying to cover up his mistake. He hadn't even really thought about his phone today, he had been so lost in catching up with his sister. Sometimes it was good to take a break, from everything.

Nina was his best friend, next to William. Although she was younger, she had always been incredibly smart for her age, and acted older than she was.

She had always given great advice, although at times Chris felt uncomfortable talking to her about certain things, given her young age.

They took their picture, and then she set her sight on the Ferris wheel.

"Absolutely not." Chris crossed her arms, staring at the huge wheel.


"No. I'm not getting on that, there's no way in hell."

"Please!" She repeated, smiling widely.

"Nope. No. I'm not doing it. You can't make me."

Ten minutes later, they were being secured into a seat on the Ferris wheel.

"I hate you." Chris reminded her, as it began to move. "If you rock this so help m—Nina!" Chris nearly screamed, as his sister rocked the seat.

"Oops? It was an accident."

"I hate you."

"You already said that, big brother."

"I really hate you."

"Love you, too!" She rocked the seat again, and Chris gripped her arm.

"Nina! Stop it!"

"You're such a wuss." She laughed, and Chris narrowed his eyes.

"I am not!"

"You can't even go on a Ferris wheel without freaking out, you're a wuss."

"I'm not a w—is it going faster!?"

Nina simply laughed, "Isn't the breeze nice, though? And look at the view."

"Oh my God! We're at the top! I didn't expect this." Chris was still yelling, although he calmed down as soon as they started going down.


"Today was fun, thanks for taking me out. I know you wanted to spend time with Eva ... I'm sorry, I really didn't expect you to actually hang out with me instead."

"Nina, you're my sister and I love you. I'll always choose you; you never have to worry about that."

Nina smiled. "We've been home for like two hours, and you still haven't checked your phone."

"We were having a bonding moment and you just totally ruined it."

"I'm just saying, Eva's probably been blowing up your phone for hours. She's probably convinced you're out there cheating. You are a bit of a fuckboy."


"No printer, just fax."

"What does that even mean ...?

"Don't worry about it, big brother. I'm going to sleep – go see Eva, please. Love you."

"Love you, too."



i bet you thought that the soft moment i was talking about was gonna be between mohnstad (; sorry babies. i really like nina and apparently some of you guys do soooooo here's to more nina!!!!!! the next chapter will be mohnstad i promise.

also, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 1k READS OH MY GODDDD. I LOVE YOU GUYS SOSOSOSOSO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lemme pretend i didn't cry when i seen that people are actually reading this fanfic. that makes me so happy, and your comments also make me very, very happy.

okay lemme stop ranting now. chapter 11 will be up tomorrowwwww.

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