Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter 13

Eva woke up to a cold bed, and the smell of bacon in the air. She smiled, getting out of bed and walking to the kitchen.

"Morning." She greeted Chris, who was rummaging in her refrigerator. 'I don't remember giving you permission to look through my fridge."

"Well, you wanna eat, don't you?" He smirked, closing the fridge and walking over to Eva. "Morning, girlfriend. You look good in my shirt."

"It's not the first time you've seen me in your shirt, Chris."

"It is the first time you've done it as my girlfriend, though." He responded, giving her a kiss.

"Oh, shut up." She giggled, kissing him back.

"So, what are we doing today?" He asked, walking back over to where the bacon was.

Eva shrugged, taking a seat at the kitchen table. "I was supposed to hang out with Noora and Sana and Chris today."

"I am Chris?"

"No, Girl Chris. You met her once, I think."

"Oh! I like her – she's chill. Fine, fine, I'll hang out with William or something today. We're hanging out tonight though."

"Okay, okay. I can come there, if you want ... we could take Nina out for a movie or something, I miss her."

"I'm really starting to think everyone only hangs out with me for her."

"We do, we just didn't wanna tell you."

Chris narrowed his eyes at Eva, pointing a spatula at her. "You know what? It's fine; I can eat all this bacon by myself."

"No! No! I'm just kidding ..." Eva trailed off, laughing too hard.

"Right. Well, whatever. We can take her to a movie or something – I'll text her later. Her birthdays in a couple weeks ... we have to start planning her a party or something. I know you just love her so much."

Eva rolled her eyes, smiling. "Ooh, when's her birthday?"

"The 19th."

"Aw! We're definitely gonna plan a party for her."


"Where's William?" Sana asked, taking a sip of her water.

"I think he's with Chris, something about planning a party." Noora responded, with a shrug.

"Yeah, I think they're planning a birthday party for Nina." Eva commented, sitting down on the couch.

"Who's Nina?" Chris asked.

"She's Chris' little sister, she's so cute! William and I took her to a Justin Bieber concert a while back."

Eva smiled, remembering how much Noora loves Justin Bieber for some reason.

"Hey, guys, um, speaking of Chris. I have something to tell you." Eva started; figuring now was a good a time as any to tell her friends she was dating the largest fuckboy in Norway.

"Huh?" Chris asked, as Noora and Chris both looked at Eva, Sana however, was staring at her phone.

"I'm dating Chris ..."



"Yeah, we made it official last night."

"What the fuck! Why didn't you tell us right away?"

"I mean ... we were kinda busy, if you know what I mean. Hey, Sana? Are you okay?" Eva asked, changing the subject.

"Huh? Oh. Um, Yousef's coming back."


"In 3 days."

"OH MY GOD! WE CAN GO ON TRIPLE DATES!" Eva exclaimed, looking at Nora, who was smiling.

"No, no we can't."

"Why not?"

"Because! Nothing can happen between Yousef and I."

"Didn't it already?" Chris asked, laughing a bit.

"That date was supposed to be closure ... it wasn't closure! It just started a whole new thing."

"Do you like him?" Eva asked, smiling along with Noora.

"Well, of course I like him! That's not the point."

"Then what is?" Noora asked, laughing a bit."

"The point is – is that nothing can ever happen between us! He's not Muslim, I am. What can happen? Nothing. Nothing should have happened in the first place."

Noora, Chris, and Eva all glanced at each other.

"I mean ..." Noora started and then trailed off. "I mean, if you like him, that's great. Just hang out with him! I thought Muslims could date, just not ... do anything else?"

"We can't."

"Well, then there you go. You can just hang out with him. That doesn't necessarily mean that you have to have sex with him."

"Yeah, you can date without having sex." Eva agreed with Noora.

"Right! You don't have to fuck somebody in order to date them." That was Chris.

"But ..."

"No, no but's. You like Yousef, and he likes you. You guys are soulmates, remember?"

Sana rolled her eyes, and shook her head. "Fine. I'll give him a chance."

"Good! 3 days, that's on Sunday ... and I think Daniel's throwing a party on Monday. You should totally bring him!"

"To a high school party?"

"No – Daniels' from 98, I think he's friends with William, right Noora?"

"Yeah, I think I've heard William talk about him before."

"Ugh, fine. I'll see if he wants to go. No promises though."

"Tell him to bring your brother! He's fucking hot." Chris exclaimed, causing everyone to look at her.

"He is really hot – yeah, Sana! Bring him."

"You have a boyfriend now, Eva."

"Yes, I'm aware of that. Chris is hotter. But Elias ... Elias is hot as hell."


A/N: HEY LOVES! i know it's been a couple days since i uploaded, i'm sosososo sorry about that.

if you're reading this, comment perhaps! so i need to know if you guys want smut in this book. (obviously there will be smut.) i just wanna know if you want smut in this book or in another book titled private chapters ... i'm not sure if people still do this, but back in the early days of wattpad  they did. so, yeah lemme know. i'll probably be posting tomorrow or the next day.

lots of love my pretty lil babies

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