Chapter Twenty

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Chapter 20

                "Why do you look so tired?" That was the first thing that Noora said to Eva, when Eva walked into Noora and William's bedroom.

William had let her in on his way out, mumbling something about "Chris being up crazy early."

                "I didn't do much sleeping last night." Eva admitted, flopping down on a spare chair in the corner of their room. Who knew what happened on that bed. "Have you talked to Sana?"

Noora shook her head, running a comb through her wet hair. "Not today. I was talking to her last night, though. She seems really excited to see Yousef. The way that she's talking, you'd think she hadn't seen him in months! It's only been a couple weeks." Eva laughed at this, shaking her head. They were in the honeymoon phase of their relationship.

                "Are you excited for tonight?" Eva asked next.

                "Yeah! I can't wait – it's going to be so much fun. Hey, wait. Why didn't you sleep much last night?"

Eva blushed, looking at the ceiling. "Just ... couldn't sleep?"

                "OH MY GOD! YOU GUYS HAD SEX?"

                "It wouldn't be the first time, my dear best friend."

                "But it was the first time you had sex as a couple!"



More silence.


                "...not exactly." Eva decided to look at the floor now.

                "EVA KVIIG MOHN!"

                "NOORA AMALIE SÆTRE! It's not as it's the first time we've had sex. Or the second. Or the third or the fift—"

                "OKAY, I GET IT. God. Horndogs."

                "How many times have you and William had sex this week?"

                "It's Monday!"


                "I don't like you."

                "I know, you love me."


Noora and Eva were in the middle of watching Dazed & Confused, when Sana FaceTimed them.

                "Hola!" Noora answered, enthusiastically.


                "Calm down. What's wrong?" This was Eva.

                "WHAT'S WRONG? What's wrong is that Yousef is comi ... oh. He just texted me. HE'S ALREAD HERE, AND WE'RE GOING ON OUR SECOND DATE TONIGHT. WITH FOUR OTHER PEOPLE."

Noora and Eva shared a look.

                "What's ... the problem?" Noora asked, gently. Neither Noora nor Eva had ever seen Sana this worked up.

                "The problem is that he has never met William or Chris–"

                "Actually – they did meet. Well, he and Chris did at least. Hit it off pretty well, from what I was told." Eva interjected.

                "Yeah, he and William talked as well. About football, or something. I sort of zoned out."

                "Oh. Oh. Huh."

                "Are you ... are you okay?"

                "Me? Yeah. Yeah. I'm fine. I just – I gotta go. Get ready for tonight, and all. Have fun doing ... whatever it is you guys were doing. Bye!"

And with that she hung up.


                "That was weird." Noora nodded her head in agreement.

                "HEY! Speaking of boyfriends. Did you meet with Jonas yesterday?"

                "Yeah. That didn't ... that didn't go so well."

                "Why not?"

                "I sort of ... slapped him?"

                "IN THE FACE?"

Eva nodded, smiling sheepishly. Since then, Jonas had tried to call her five times and text her about five million times. She, in turn, had blocked his number, Instagram, and Snapchat.

                "Oh my God! Go you."  Noora held her hand out for a high five, and Eva slapped her hand against her best friends.

                "I never would've taken you as a violent person," Noora continued. "Did you tell Chris about it?"

                "Yeah – we talked for a long time, last night, actually. After we ... did some other things. But he didn't really seem to mind, he was actually very happy about the fact that I slapped him."

                "I bet."

Eva smiled, "Okay, now can we go back to watching the movie? I have to leave soon, to get ready."

Noora nodded, pressing play.


A/N: AH! i can't believe we're at chapter 20 already.

to be honest, i have no idea where this book is going / how long it's gonna be.


i never plan my books. once i start planning, i completely lose interest and the will to write. i kind of think i wanna stop it once they go back to school. but i'm not sure. i also was thinking about writing either a delena fanfiction (their human life w/o stefano the clowno) or a bellarke fanfiction???? leave your opinions guysssss.

love you muffins !

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