Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Chapter 37

Chris and Eva pulled into William's driveway, a few hours later.

                "Are we ... early?" Eva asked, looking around. There was only two other cars in the driveway, and none in the street.

Chris shook his head, looking at his phone. "I don't think so, its 20:08."

                "Do you think we're late?" She asked with a laugh as she got out of the car.

                "No, we're probably just early. You guys go back to school the day after tomorrow, though -- don't you have to get on a normal sleeping pattern?"

Eva laughed, as she and Chris linked hands. "Is there really such thing as a "normal" sleeping pattern? If so, I haven't been on one since I was like twelve."

Chris shook his head, as they walked into Noora and William's home. There was music playing loudly, and a few people in the living room. They didn't see Noora and William anywhere, though.

                "Chris!" Eva exclaimed, dropping Chris' hand and running to hug Girl Chris, who walked out of the kitchen with a beer in her hand.

                "Eva! Hey girl, haven't seen you in a minute!" Chris watched as the two girls embraced, standing a little awkwardly against the wall. He was never one for awkwardness, but there was only one other person in the room and he had no idea who he was, even though he looked a little familiar.

                "Hey." The guy greeted Chris, walking up to him with his hand outstretched.

                "Hey." Chris responded, shaking his hand.

                "Mutta." The guy told him, smiling. "I don't know if you remember me we met at—"

                "Eva's birthday party! Right, sorry, man. I'm a little out of it." Both boys laughed.

                "Yeah, I feel it. I think the rest of the boys are in the kitchen, wanna head in there?" Chris nodded, following him into the kitchen. Vilde and Magnus has just walked into the house, but he didn't bother to acknowledge them. Neither did Mutta.

Girl Chris and Eva were already in the kitchen, talking animatedly with Noora and Sana. Mutta walked over to Adam, Mikael and Yousef, so Chris wandered off too William and Elias, who were having what looked like a very intense conversation.

                "—all I'm saying is that Golden State sucks! I don't even watch basketball that much, but I can tel you that much."

                "You're crazy! They have the splash brothers, Cleveland could never!" Elias responded to William, sounding offended.

                "Hey guys, what's goin' on?" Chris before doing the weird bro-handshake-hug thing with both of them.

                "I'm just trying to explain to your friend over here that the Golden State Warriors are 100% better than the Cleveland Cavaliers. He doesn't want to admit it, though." Elias informed him, taking a handful of pretzels out of a bowl on the counter.

                "Bro, are you crazy? GSW is better than the Cavs could ever be!" Chris punched William's shoulder, who look incredibly offended.

                "No they aren't! The Cavs have Lebron! LEBRON!"

                "Lebron sucks; he can't even make free throws." Chris said, at the same time Elias exclaimed, "HE CAN'T EVEN MAKE FREE THROWS, BRO!"

The boys looked at each other, and high-fived, laughing. William rolled his eyes, walking over to Noora and the rest of the girls.


A couple of hours later, the party was in full swing. Chris wasn't even sure that he knew half of the people in the house. He lost track of Eva a while ago, as he was in the family room, playing FIFA with William and most of the boy squad.

                "Bro, you fucking suck!" This was Elias.

                "Kick the fuckin' ball!" This was Chris.

William yelled something indecipherable, and threw the controller down. "FUCK IT! Someone else take over, I need a drink."

                "You're just mad that you can't kick a damn ball." Chris told him, handing the controller to Adam.

                "I CAN TOO PLAY, YOU DUCK."

                "Did you just call me a duck?"

                "Yes, yes I did." William smiled, proud of himself for the insult.

All the boys were relatively drunk, and probably should not have been allowed to play a rage-inducing video game. But did that stop them? Hell no.

                "Bring me a beer!" Chris decided to ignore William's poor attempt at an insult and ask for another drink, instead.

William turned around, almost falling. "No, I'm not your slave!"

Chris sighed, pushing himself up and handing his own controller to Mutta. He wasn't nearly as drunk as he needed to be to put up with a very, very drunk William.

                "Come on, let's go find our girlfriends." Chris told William, clapping him on the back.

                "Ouch! Dude, that hurt." William pouted, pushing Chris.

                "Ow, that hurt!" Chris responded, pushing William.

William rolled his eyes, walking ahead of Chris into the living room.

Chris looked around for Eva, and spotted her almost immediately – grinding on Noora.

                "Hey, Noora, mind if I borrow my girlfriend for a minute?" Chris asked, and Noora laughed.

                "She's all yours. Where's William?" Chris pointed to the kitchen, just as Eva jumped into his arms.

Although Noora wasn't drunk, Eva certainly was. "Chris! Hi, baby. Where were you?"

                "I was playing FIFA with the boys." He answered her, hugging her back. Noora mouthed "good luck," before heading towards the kitchen.

Little did she know that she'd need it, too. William was a handful, in general, but especially when drunk.

                "Did you have fun?" Eva asked, letting Chris go, and wandering over to the couch. Chris decided not to respond, as she was already talking to Sana.

                "Hey, bro." Yousef nodded at him, as he sat next to him on the couch. "What's up?"

Yousef shrugged, turning his phone off and putting it back into his pocket. "Just chillin', I guess. We don't drink – so we were just making fun of all the drunk buffoons." He explained, making Chris laugh. Eva had somehow managed to convince Sana to dance with her and Girl Chris. She didn't look to happy about it, though.


A/N: this chapter has 2 parts, split between chris & eva. i thought that it was only fitting, given that this is the last chapter [besides an epilogue] & since it started in eva's POV i thought it'd only be fair to end it in her POV.

the epilogue i think will either be both of theirs or just in a third person. i haven't decided yet, it might even be in one half of noorhelm or yousana's POV. i guess we'll seeeeeee.

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