Chapter Twenty-Two

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Chapter 22

Eva looked down at her phone, reading the text message once more. Chris had said he was on his way to pick her up, thirty minutes ago.

Just as she was about to text him, her doorbell rang.

                "Hello, beautiful girlfriend of mine." Chris greeted her, as soon as she opened the door.

                "Hey, daddy." She responded, smirking.

She looked Chris up and down, taking in his appearance. Her boyfriend looked damn good.

He was wearing loose fitting jeans with a tight white t-shirt, and his hair that was growing back was messily done.

All in all, her man looked fine.

Chris smiled, kissing her. She kissed him back, threading her hands through his messy-on-purpose hair.

                "This is for you." He told her, pulling a box out of his back pocket.

                "What is it?"

                "Open it, smart one." He rolled his eyes, handing it to her.

Eva gave him a dirty look, but opened it anyway.

                "Oh – oh, Chris! It's beautiful!" She exclaimed, gasping.

He had bought her a heart shaped necklace that had diamonds in it.

                "Only the best for my girl." He declared, giving her another kiss.

                "I love you." She let slip out, as they hugged.

                "W-what?" He stuttered, pulling back.

                "Um ... I just – I ... well,"

                "I love you, too." He told her, smiling happily.

                "R-really?" It was her turn to stutter.

He nodded, taking the box from her. "Of course I do. Now, turn around so you can wear this on our date. They're gonna wonder where we are."


A short while later, Chris and Eva pulled into the parking lot of their destination.

                "We're going bowling?" Chris asked, while trying to find a parking spot. Eva had only been reading off directions to him, not telling him where they were going. It was all part of Noora, Sana and her surprise.

                "Yes, yes we are. This is only part one, though. We have ..." She paused, counting in her head. "Three parts!"

While it didn't seem like much, the girls had put a lot of effort into planning this day.

                "Now, come on! Noora texted me, they're here. We're just waiting on Yousef and Sana."

Chris got out of the car, and ran to the other side to open the door for Eva.

                "What?" He asked, when he noticed her staring at him.

                "Nothing ... you just, you've never done that for me before."

                "Well, it's different now. We're dating." He told her, intertwining their hands.

Eva smiled down at their hands, as they walked towards the bowling alley. "I didn't know that you were so nice to your girlfriends."

                "Hey! I was nice to you before we were dating."

                "Well, yeah. But as you just said, it's was different then ..."

                "EVA! CHRIS! You made it!" Noora exclaimed, cutting off Eva.

Noora glanced down, saw their hands, and looked behind her, to William, who also noticed it. Then, she pulled Eva into a hug. "You guys are so cute!"

William and Chris did that weird-bro-handshake thing.

                "Thanks." Eva smiled, a little embarrassed. "Where's Sana and Yousef?"

                "She just texted me about 30 seconds ago, she said they're almost here. Apparently, Yousef came to pick her up and Elias was there so ... they had to do some explaining. I guess there was some drama."

Oh snap. Eva thought, but didn't say anything. "So, are we just gonna sit out here and wait for them?" Noora nodded, and then whispered something to William, who whispered something back.

Eva and Chris exchanged a glance, but didn't say anything.

                "Let's go sit over there, my feet hurt." Noora suggested, and complained, pointing to a picnic table in the grass – probably for the employees taking their break.

They all sat down, Eva and Noora across from each other, and William and Chris across from each other.

Eva watched as Noora snuggled close to William, because even though it was summer – there was a slight breeze in the air.

                "So, what did you guys do today?" William asked, winking at Chris.

                "We weren't even together today, dude. You and me were together today, you fucking dumb ass." Chris told him, as Eva snuggled into him. She was wearing a short sleeved shirt, and the wind was making her cold.

                "See? Do you see what I mean? He's so fucking rude." William complained to Noora, who only laughed. "Can you suck his dick? Maybe that'll make him more relaxed." This time, William addressed Eva, who also laughed.

                "Sorry, Willhelm. I mean, you could do it if you really want him to re—"

                "NO! NO THANKS! I'LL TAKE RUDE CHRIS INSTEAD!" Everyone laughed, except William, who looked genuinely horrified at the thought.

                "There's Sana! And Yousef!" Eva announced, pointing towards the couple who was walking up the steps.

They must have heard her yell, because both of them turned to look at the group.

                "Hey guys!" Sana greeted them, as all three girls hugged.

William and Chris did their weird-bro-handshake thing with Yousef.

                "Hey, Yousef. Did you like Turkey?" Noora asked, giving him a small hug.

                "Yeah, it was okay. I missed this one, though." He responded, wrapping his arm around Sana's shoulder, who was beaming.

                "Aw!" Eva exclaimed, looking at Noora, who looked very happy.

                "Well, I guess we're going in now." Noora spoke, looking at William and Chris, who were walking into the bowling alley.

                "They probably wanted food." Eva rolled her eyes, following Sana and Yousef into the building.


A/N: oh SNAP their going on their big dateeeeeeeeee. i was in the worst mood while i was writing this because my ex pissed me off so i really wasn't in a romantic mood for any of the date chapters but i mean. yaknow. they're okay i guess. there's smut in one of them :) tHEY SAID I LOVE YOU AH WIG

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