Chapter Twenty-One

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Chapter 21

                "I'm here, your lives just got better." Nina announced, walking into the living room.

                "NINA!" William exclaimed, jumping off the couch to hug her. Chris merely rolled his eyes, not looking away from his phone.

                "What're you guys doing?" Nina asked, sitting down next to Chris on the couch.

                "Trying to figure out where the girls are taking us tonight." William told her, making Chris throw a pillow at him.

                "DUDE! WHY ARE YOU SO ABUSIVE TO ME?"

                "I'm not! You just don't need to tell my eleven year old sister every little thing we do."

                "I'm almost twelve." Nina huffed, crossing her arms. "You guys are rude. I'm leaving." And with that, she walked out of the room.

                "Good job." Chris and William told each other, at the same time. They had really been talking about the party for Nina.

William and Noora had been in charge of getting all of the decorations, while Chris had been in charge of sending out the invites. They had been planning the party for about a week now, and both boys were super excited about it.

                "Hey, seriously, though. Where do you think they're taking us?" Chris asked, suddenly, turning his phone off and sitting up.

"I don't know. Probably to a movie and dinner." William responded, with a shrug.

"I don't know ... they're pretty creative. You haven't asked Noora?"

"No, she told me this morning in between sucki—"


William laughed, throwing the same pillow back at Chris. "Anyway, I was a little distracted."

                "I bet. Ya nasties."

                "Like Eva hasn't ev—"

                "THERE'S AN ELEVEN YEAR OLD IN THE HOUSE!" Chris yelled, throwing the pillow back at William, hard.

                "YOU'RE SO ABUSIVE!" William yelled back, hugging the pillow tightly.

                "You're such a wuss."

                "I AM NOT!"

                "ARE TOO!"

This went on for a couple minutes.

                "You're both wusses. Let's just leave it at that." Nina yelled, walking past the living room.

Chris and William shared an offended glance.

                "Hey! Where are you going, young lady?" William was the first to recover from the insult.


                "Out where?" This was Chris.

                "Out with a friend. I'm almost tw—"

                "—Twelve, yeah, we know. That doesn't mean you don't have to tell me where you're going, who you're going with, and when you're gonna be back."

Nina sighed, sparing a glance at her phone. "I'm going out with Michelle, we're going to Kayla's to swim, I'm sleeping over Michelle's house since you guys are going on your date tonight and I'm sure you'll be coming back here."

Chris and William shared an approving glance, this time.

                "Fine. Just text me when you get to Kayla's, when you leave Kayla's, and before you go to sleep and Michelle's."

                "Will do."

                "And text me every hour, one the hour!" William called, right before the door slammed shut.

                "Do you think she was lying?" Chris asked, looking worried.

William shook his head, walking into the kitchen. "Nah, I don't think so. She knows you trust her. Now, come make me some fucking food."


A/N: this was 100% a filler chapter. whoops.

anywaY, the next chapter is going to be split into two parts. both eva and chris' point of view, because IT'S GONNA BE THEIR DATE!

i realized that most of my chapter are four to five pages long, and idk about you but that's just to short for me. so i decided that from now on, my chapter have to be at least five pages long.

the next chapter is going to be very, very long since it's all three couple's and it's gonna be split into 2 parts. i have no idea when it's going to be up though because i'm very lazy sO

lots of love muffins !

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