Chapter Thirty-One

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Chapter 31

"Hey, baby." Chris smiled, giving Eva a kiss as she got in the car.

"Gross, it's my birthday ... get a room."

Eva laughed, while Chris merely rolled his eyes. "I can't wait till you get a boyfriend, Nina. You're gonna be all over him."

"Um. No! No boyfriends. No boyfriends until your 38."

"38?" Nina and Eva both questioned, at the same time.

"Oh, just ignore him. He's being an overprotective brother. Just take me to meet him, first." Eva winked at Nina, who laughed.

"Where are we going to eat, anyway?" Nina asked, looking around.

"It's a surprise." Now Chris was the one who winked.

"Chris! I hate surprises."

Chris only laughed, and turned the music up on the radio.

A few minutes later, they reached William's house.

"Why are we at Willy's?" Nina asked, looking around, confused.

"We're having dinner here, obviously." Chris replied, in a duh tone.

Nina sighed, getting out of the car. Eva and Chris exchanged glances, and then linked hands, as they walked behind Nina into the house.

"SURPRISE!" Everyone yelled, and Chris watched as Nina jumped.

"Did I do a good job?" He asked, wrapping his arm around his little sister's shoulders.

"You ... you did all this for me?" Nina asked, looking up at him with tears in her eyes.

"Well, of course I did. We all did. Eva, William, Noora, and me. It's not every day that a girl turns 12, you know."

"Thank you." Nina said, as she gave him a hug. "Thank you, thank you, thank you. You're the best brother in the whole world."

"I know." Chris said, with a laugh, as he hugged her back. "Now, go, talk to your friend!"

Nina didn't have to be told twice.


"How're you enjoying the party?" Chris asked Nina, when he saw her alone, for the first time since they got to Noora and William's house.

"It's so great! How did you manage to invite all of my friends?"

"I have my ways. We're doing cake in a little bit, but have you eaten anything?"

Nina nodded, pointing over to the food table. "Yeah, I had a bunch of stuff. The meatballs aren't very good, though."

Chris laughed, ruffling Nina's hair. "Okay, well, save some room for cake. I'll let you get back to your friends, have fun."

He watched, with a smile on his face, as Nina ran off to join the rest of her friends.

"Having fun?" Eva asked, coming to stand next to him.

"Yeah, I love having 12 year old girls stare at me like they want to eat me instead of the food."

"I stare at you like that all the time." William winked at Chris, as he waked up to them with Noora.

"Sh! That's supposed to be our secret, crazy!" Chris gasped, making the whole group laugh.

"You really outdid yourself, Noora." Eva smiled, giving Noora a hug. "The decorations look great."

"Thank you! I can't take all the credit, though. Sana and Chris helped, too. Even Yousef blew up a couple of balloons. William, however, didn't do much."

"Hey! I provided the location! And I got her an amazing present." He protested, pouting a bit.

"When are we doing cake?" Noora asked Chris, suddenly.

"Whenever you want, I suppose. Should we do presents before or after, though?"

They all looked at each other, trying to decide. "How about I just go ask Nina?" Eva suggested, and the other three nodded.

"Chris, man, c'mon. We'll put the candles on the cake, since we don't do anything."

"Actually, bro, I think it was just you that d—"

"PISH POSH, BROTHER. PISH POSH!" William exclaimed, grabbing his arm and dragging him into the kitchen, despite his protests.

"I have to talk to you about something!" William whispered in his ear, as he pushed through massive amounts of children, into the kitchen.

"Oh, God. Please tell me that you aren't proposing to Noora." Chris groaned, and then began laughing at the look on his best friend's face.


"Not to me, stop yelling, you fucking wanker."

"Um, excuse me? I was the one who lived in London, not you! Don't call me a wanker, you wanker." William looked genuinely horrified that Chris would ever utter the word "wanker."

"Shut up. What do you have to tell me?"

William took a big, dramatic breath. "My dad is coming here. To Norway. Can you even BELIEVE? I mean, I thought he'd never set foot in Norway ... hellllloooo, he doesn't even speak Norwegian. Imagine how awkward that's going to be ... someone's going to ask him how his day is going, and he's just gonna be like HA! NO! And walk away. What if he DIES?"

"Are you on drugs?"

"NO! What type of question is that? I'm a little offended."

Chris laughed, shaking his head. "You honestly sound like a crackhead."

"OFFENSIVE! Help me out, man. He wants to meet Noora."

"What the fuck? Why?"

"Probably because I've been dating her for over a year and I refused to go back to London because I need to be with her, yaknow ... JUST A THOUGHT."

"Ohhhh, right. Huh. Well, have fun with that. Anyways, where's the candles?"

"This isn't funny! It's serious!"

Chris shrugged, looking in a kitchen drawer for the candles. The next thing he knew, a box of candles were being thrown at him. "There, you fucking wanker. Put thirteen, one for good luck. I need some luck – hey, can I borrow a candle?"

"I swear to God, you're on crack." Chris muttered, bending over to pick up the candles.

"Hey! I heard that."

"You were supposed to." Chris responded, carefully placing 13 candles onto the chocolate cake.

"But, seriously, dude. Will you and Eva come to dinner with Noora, my dad, and me? He likes you."

"I haven't seen your dad in like 4 years, Willy."

"Don't call me Willy, you rooster."

"Don't say stupid things then, Willy."

"So will you come?"

"Fine! I'll come!"

"Come where? No coming without me, I hope!" Eva announced, walking into the kitchen, Noora by her side.

"Gross!" Noora and William called out, at the same time.

"Shut up." Chris and Eva retorted, at the same time.

"Nina wants to do her cake first." Noora told Chris, as she gave William a quick kiss on the lips. "So, let's get a move on. The birthday girl's waiting."


A/N: holy fucking cupcakes this was long. it was 5, almost 6 pages on word & over a thousand words. i think this is the longest chapter of this whole fanfic, which is good bc the last couple chapters have been short... which i'M SORRY ABOUT I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH THANK YOU FOR 11K O H MY GOD I CANT BELIEVE PEOPLE ACTUALLY READ MY FANFIC AND COMMENT AND VOTE AND UGHHH YOU GUYS MEAN THE WHOLE WORLD TO ME I LOVE YOU

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