The Reason We Fell for You | Marth/Alm

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Here's another one of those song-fics and this one might got something to do with ??? × reader × ??? Oneshots..
Welp, no more reason to brag so onward to the story!!

~~~3rd Person's Pov~~~

You didn't believed it, you just summoned two and I meant-two Hero-Kings.As Marth and Alm approach you,
You fainted.

A few minutes later

~~~Y/N's Pov~~~

I saw two familiar silhuoettes so I called out "Lucina?,Palla? Is that you?"

"Sorry but we aren't them" said the one with green hair

"And we are definitely not girls"said the one with blue hair and a tiara

"Wait, who are you two exactly?"I asked them both

"I'm Alm the Saint-King of Valentia"

"And I'm Marth the Hero-King of Altea"

"So I summoned you two?"

"At the same time actually"

"Yes,Nice to meet you Lady (Y/N)"

"'re both here just to do my bidding?"

"Actually..."Alm said while rubbing his neck

"We're your partners"Marth and Alm both said

"We aren't just summoned just to do your bidding,My lady"Marth said while polishing his Falchion

"Wait,How come you two have both Falchions but in a different design?"I asked filled with curiousity

"We were both chosed to enherit the sacred sword Falchion"Alm said while taking off his boots just to feel the carpet

"Even Chrom and Lucina has it"Marth said while reading a book

"That means you're both weak to blue dragons.."I said while imagining what would happen

"We both still some advantage to them actually"Alm said while feeling the carpet barefooted

"And another an 'Anti-Dragon' weapon,Which is called 'Naga' is held by Julia herself"Marth said while scolding Alm to wear his boots

"Buut sometimes Julia can't survive the Tikis,since both of the Tikis are red dragons they both have some advantage to Julia"Alm said while running away from Marth who's forcing him to wear his boots

"Let's talk about something else my lady"Marth said while hiding Alm's boots in a closet

"Oi!Where you taking my boots!"Alm said while running back to Marth

"Oh?You want these cucumber man?"Marth said mockingly while holding Alm's boots

"Oh really?Say that to yourself LuCiNa"Alm said while saying the word 'Lucina' in a irritated tone

"MY LADY! THIS MAN HAS GONE BANANAS"Marth said while mocking Alm

"(Y/N)! WHO DO YOU THINK IS BETTER ME OR PRINCESS MARTHA?"Alm said while holding a poster that says 'Vote for Alm'

"Who would you choose My lady?"Marth said while hoping that (Y/N) would choose him


'I love them both but I just can't choose only one....'

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