Different problems yet Same solutions - Reinhardt × Reader

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When you realize that I haven't made a real oneshot in a month or a few weeks.

So yeah, I just thought of this. Since there are a few Rein/Reader fics. I decided to make one. Again, The first one that I made was kinda bad in my opinion. Probs the fact that I kinda lost my passion for writing. So let's see how I've improved over the past year.

3rd Person's PV

(Y/n) was in the library reading something, It was 'Mein Kampf'. Why is (Y/n) reading it you ask? She had a project from her history teacher. All (Y/n) has to do is to summarize the whole book in 420 pages. Luckily, (Y/n) had help. It was her boyfriend, Reinhardt. (Y/n) asked Reinhardt a few times until he gave in. "Ugh, When will this hell gonna end?!" (Y/n) said in a very irritated tone. "You tell me, My hand hurts from writing this stuff." Reinhardt said while writing the summary and not looking at (Y/n).

"I mean, How did Hitler wrote this while he was in prison?!" (Y/n) said getting a bit triggered at the book 'Mein Kampf'. (Y/n) neither hate or like the weird mustached dictator, But (Y/n) had a feeling that something must've trigged the weird mustached dictator. (Y/n) scanned for more information about his hatred for the Jews and his adoration for Aryans even though he had dark hair. A few minutes later of (Y/n) scanning for information, She fell asleep. Reinhardt saw his beloved asleep so he lifted her bridal-style and went to their room. He laid (Y/n) on the bed and cover her with a blanket so she doesn't get cold. Reinhardt smiled and returned back to the library to continue the summary.

A few minutes later..

(Y/n) woke up, She was confused why she was at the bedroom rather than the library. She also noticed that her boyfriend, Reinhardt wasn't there. The (H/c)ette girl stood up just to find her boyfriend. After hours of searching, She gave up and went to the library to finish the summary/project she was doing. To her suprise,  The summary was done and her boyfriend, Reinhardt was reading a book. You shrug it off and went to do your own things.

A hour later...

There you were, On the battlefield commanding your servants' every move. Today was the day that the so called 'Special Event' called "Grand Conquests" You actually thought that 'Grand Conquests' is going to be like a mixture of Arena and Rival Domains. And your guess was right, It was a mixture of Arena and Rival Domains with a small difference. "Master! Aren't you gonna command us your orders?" Lucina said as she sliced the foe. This caused you to get out of your trance. "Sorry about that, Lucina. I'll try to get more focus next battle." You said as a sweat dropped from your forehead. Lucina just shrugged it off and listened to your commands. And as usual, You won the battle. You went to the kitchen to get some drinks for your exhausted servants.

As you were headed to give your exhausted servants drinks. Your boyfriend, Reinhardt blocked the way. "Hey, Rein. Get out of the way." You said with a blank expression while carrying the booze or vodka your exhausted servants wanted. "Not until you tell me why are you carrying vodka." Reinhardt said while looking at the vodka (Y/n) was carrying. (Y/n) raised a brow at the tall man. She then sighed and looked at the tall man infront of her. She had no choice actually. "Fine. I was thinking that I could get high as fuck tonight without smoking weed." (Y/n) said as she crossed her arms and gave the man a glare.

"You wanna come? I mean, I wasn't the one suggested this. Lucina did." (Y/n) said as she wasn't looking at her boyfriend. Reinhardt hesitated a bit and gave in. "Alright. I'll come." Reinhardt said while grabbing the bottles from (Y/n) so (Y/n) won't have to carry anything.

After a hour of drinking vodka with Lucina and company..

(Y/n) came back to the bedroom while dragging a drunk Reinhardt. It was hard to lift him to the bed since (Y/n) doesn't have the strength to do that. So (Y/n) set a futon for her boyfriend and pushed him into the futon. (Y/n) covered him with a blanket so he doesn't get cold. (Y/n) changed out of her normal outfit and wore her pajamas. She took a glance at her boyfriend, She sighed and went to the bed. You dozed off through the night.

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