The "assassination" of (Y/n) (L/n) - Any Char × Reader

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Liam and Liliana are your children
"Your lover" can be changed to a character desired's name.

3rd Person's PV

Liam and Liliana suddenly appeared in a room. The two looked around to see if anything was familiar to them. A voice was heard, It was their mother's voice. The two were about to cry when they got closer to the source of the voice. "And that's what you all have to do." The two widen their eyes, They tried their best to keep quiet and not to cry. But they couldn't help it. They missed her. They missed their mother. Liam and Liliana were separated from each other at the age of 5. 13 years later, The two finally reunited. They never met you, Because you died after giving birth to them.

You, Who looked on your lover's eyes filled with excitement and hope. On the other hand, His eyes filled with building guilt and regret. "Are you sure there's no other way? But, Maybe--" His voice was filled with everlasting sadness. "They never cared, They never did. All they say that this was (Y/n)'s colony or whatever." You stated with a unamused face. "We can end all of this right here, Right now." You said once again with a determined expression. "You know this is crazy right?" Your lover asked while holding your sword tightly. You nodded and he continued "Your status, My purpose. None of it will matter anymore." Your lover cried, As you nodded in agreement. He continued once again "This can change everything." You looked at him with a excited expression. "I know! Isn't it exciting?" You stated with excitement. "It is." Your lover said while smiling and blushing faintly.

"We can leave our old lives behind, And it's just you and me. Living together with our children." You stated calmly with a sweet smile. "Alright, I think I'm ready." Your lover lied and gave you a bittersweet smile. "I still can't believe I'm doing this.." Your lover stated with guilt. "Well, We can't live together unless we do it." You said and hugged him. He hugged you back too and He stroked your soft (H/c) hair.

You two broke it and walked together hand in hand. Liam and Liliana following you two. "Come out. He's ready." You ordered and then one of your servants who almost looked like you stepped out of the shadows and bowed. Liliana and Liam gasp at this. "I'm also ready, Your highness." You chuckled softly and turned towards your love. "Convincing?" You asked and raised a brow at him. "Very much so, My lady." Your lover said, looking on towards the ground while holding your sword. "From now on, It's just. (Y/n)." you paused and then continued, "Wait, There is something I need to do before you do this."

Your lover puts down your sword on the ground and looked down at you "What is it, My la-- (Y/n)?" He asked, His voice was weak as if he was about to cry or something. You smiled and looked up at him, "No one can ever find out that we did this, I never want to look back. So, As my last order to you as a princess. Please, Let's never speak about this again. No one can know." You said as you hold both of his hands and place them on top of his mouth, Signing that he will keep all of this as a secret. He put down his hands and lean in to kiss you. You kiss him back. Liam and Liliana almost were disgusted but think that this was romantic as fvck.

You two broke it and your lover and döppelganger walk away, Doing the so-called assassination of you. You noticed a presence behind you. You turned around, Just to see Liam and Liliana. The two flinched slightly while you chuckled softly. The two ran up to you and hugged you, And you hugged them back. "What are your names?" You asked the two who both looked at you with tears rolling down their cheeks. You wiped their tears off with your thumb. "We're your children, From the future." Liam answered with a soft voice. You smiled, And hugged the two. They hugged you back. "I love you two." You said while still hugging your children. "We love you too, Mom." They both answered at the same time. You chuckled and continue hugging them.

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