I'm distracted because of you (Reinhardt × Reader)

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Author's Note:

OK I have never seen a Reinhardt × Reader so I'm doing the very first one.


~~~(Y/n)'s Pov~~~

"Umu~.... Why is he taking so long? I've been sitting here for hours, And he isn't coming out." I said as I grunted in boredness.

"It's Because that He might've fell asleep late, And maybe he did something that caused him to sleep late." (Brave) Ike told me while he was polishing his father's axe: Urvan.

"Ike might be right though, I have never seen Reinhardt focused on something this much. " (Brave) Roy told me while fixing his outfit.

"Haaah, Why is he still sleeping? We were supposed to get more orbs earlier so I can summon for Jaffar...." I whined about me not getting those orbs.

"Ah! (Y/n) there you are!" Someone called me.

"Huh? Oh Klein, there you are. So how did your training ended up?" I asked my one and ONLY  Archer about his adventures.

Then, I heard the knob of Rein's door clicked.

"Haaah, Morning (Y/n), Ike, Roy and Klein." Reinhardt said while stretching his arms.

"FINALLY! YOU'RE AWAKE, Get your tome and wear your outfit because we are hunting for orbs." I said while tugging his sleeve.

~~~3rd Person's Pov~~~

"Hey Ike"

"Hm? What is it Roy?"

"I think I know why Reinhardt's focused on something."

"Then what is it?"

"You see, He loves (Y-"

Little did Roy know, A particular magician was about to smack him in the face.

"Hey!  What was that for?!" Roy said while whining at Reinhardt.

"Shh! I'm trying to read here." Reinhardt said while reading his tome.

Roy blew a raspberry to Reinhardt, Just in time (Y/n) Called her 4 devoted 5* units.

"Y'all ready?"

"Aye-Aye (Y/n)"

"Anytime, (Y/n)"

"Yes, (Y/n)"

"Pardon me, (Y/n)"


(Y/n) looked at Reinhardt confused while her (E/c) eyes glimmered at the sight of him.

Reinhardt swallowed the lump on his neck and held her hand, "Can we talk somewhere else private?"

The (H/c)-haired girl nodded at him and led him somewhere private.

Once again he felt nervous, he's been preparing this all week just to confess to her.

He held her hand tightly," (Y/n), I loved you since the day you summoned me. Will you... Love me back? I get it if you don't like m-".

He looked at her tears were flowing out of her eyes, He dried her tears with his thumb "I also love you too, you klutz." (Y/n) said to him with a closed-eye smile.

He kissed her and said "I will always protect you, No matter what happens."








"You do realize you can't survive from Deirdre, Nino, Julia and Hector though"

"Forgot about that too.."

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