Flowers for you - Zelgius × Reader

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Y: Still oof another oneshot about flowers -_-'

And I don't have pics for Zelgius.

So have this other masterpiece (?)

And yeah, this was requested by chichiriio

And the setting is Modern AU. And forgive me if Micaiah and Zelgius are OOC..


3rd Person's PV

It was time. Zelgius prepared everything
to confess to his love. He had plans, Plans A - H.

Plan A:

Confess. If accepted, life is going to be great.

Plan B:

Confess. If declined, Move on find another one

Plan C:

Confess. If declined, kidnap her. Make her yours

Plan D:

Propose already.

Plan E:

Confess. If declined, SNaP

Plan F:

Get married.

Plan G:

Confess. If declined, kill her.

Plan H:

Be a Yandere.

Nope. He wasn't ready. He was nervous what would happen if he confessed, there are two different outcomes but only one situation. Take Schrodinger's cat for example, If you put a cat inside with a radioactive iodine in a box. After a few minutes before opening the box you can't tell wether it's alive or dead. But when you open the box, there is only one outcome. (Thank you for listening or reading..)

Zelgius was still nervous about the whole confessing to (Y/n) thing. But the only thing he could think of to make (Y/n) was flowers. (Y/n) loved flowers especially (F/F). Zelgius took a turn to the flower shop to buy (F/F).

Zelgius' Childhood Friend: Micaiah helped him plan his confession to (Y/n).

"Oh Zelgius! There you are!"

"Micaiah, what are you doing?"

"Duh, doing your confession to (Y/n) plus you even got her favorite flowers ready!"


"This is going to be great! You and (Y/n) together--"



"I'm nervous.."

"That's it? You're nervous? HAHAHA I've seen you beat Ike to a pulp and you're nervous because you're confessing to your longtime crush.. You make me laugh Zelg."

"I'm serious."

"Micaiah, you need me?" (Y/n) said as she broke in the Childhood Friends conversation.

"Perfect timing (Y/n).."


"Why?, because my pal here Zelgius is confessing to y---mmph!"

"No one. I'm confessing to no one."

"Alright, see ya'll later.."

"What did you do!?! I was planning to do it for you and you ruined it!"

"I'll tell her myself."

6:00 PM. Sakura behind the school, Sakuranomiya High.

Zelgius fiddled his fingers together. He was nervous, he was a wreck.

There (Y/n) came up and waved at him.

"Hey there Zelgius, what are you doing here?"


" 'I' what?"

"I like you!"

(Y/n) was astonished of what Zelgius said.

"I know that you don't like me, I completely understand--"


Zelgius and (Y/n) had a blissful kiss.

Fuck the ending is crappy as hell

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