🌻He Says "I Love You"

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Barry had just gotten back from his mission with Captain Cold and Heat Wave.
He got hurt really bad, and you couldn't help but feel sorry for him.
His wounds do heal fast, but the pain for him while it was there just broke your heart.
"Barry! Oh my gosh, this is horrible!" You cry out as you run to him in a hurry.
"No, It's okay. It'll be gone in a few hours, I promise." He said. "Don't worry."
You give him a hug, making sure not to hurt him. He kisses your head, telling you it's okay. Just hoping that you'll be alright, he isn't even worried about himself.
"I just don't want to lose you." You say.
"You won't. I love you, (Y/N). You'll never lose me." Barry replied. "Not that easy."
You break the hug and you look into his eyes.
Worry, pain, and hope filled them.
"I love you too, Barry." You say.
You give him another hug, but this time you forgot about the wounds.
"Ouch.." He groaned.
"Sorry!!" You gasped. "Sorry.."

Cisco invited you over to his place to play video games. Of course, you said yes. Who would turn down video games with the most adorable person ever?
You were in the middle of a match playing "Call Of Duty:Ghosts".
You guys decided to play Team Deathmatch, and you kept beating Cisco.
"Oh no! You're not killing me this time." Cisco mumbled to himself.
"BET!" You giggled.
You snuck up behind him, but he turned around and shot you.
"YOU SCREEN-PEAKED!!" You gasped.
"Maybe!! But what do you have to lose? This is my 5th kill! You have 46!!" He replied.
"Make that 47!" You growl.
"And this is why I love you." He laughed.
You gasp, and shot your head to his direction.
"You love me?" You asked.
"Uh..well yeah." He said.
"AWW! Cisco, you're so cute! I love you, too!!" You giggled.
He sat there blushing, while you hugged him and kissed his cheek.

"(Y/N), can we speak please?" Caitlin said.
"Uhm..yeah sure." You smile.
You took her hand, and she led you to the other room.
"What is it?" You asked.
"Sit down." She said.
"Okay?" You say, taking a seat.
"I love you." She turned around, with tears in her eyes.
You gave a confusing look at her, and she walked towards you.
"It's been some time, since I've actually realised. The dates we've been going on, the late night calls, it all just leads up to feelings, and i know you don't feel the same, but I just really wa-" Caitlin got cut off by your lips meeting hers.
"It's okay, Caitlin. I've realised that i love you too." You smile.
She gave a smile to you back, while you wiped a tear away from her cheek.

"That's a really good one!" You squeal.
"Thank you, (Y/N)." Iris giggled.
"So, I was thinking ..." You say.
"What is it?" Iris turned around.
"Are we actually a ...thing?" You asked.
She set down her camera, and walked to you and grabbed your hands.
"Only if you say so." She smirked.
"Well then..yeah! I'd love to be your.. Significant other." You smile.
She kissed your cheek, and walked to the other side of the room.
"(Y/N)?" Iris said.
"Yeah?" You reply.
"I love you." She smiled.
"I-I love you, too.." You say.

Harrison said that he "loved you" after a month you too have been dating. He said it over dinner, and you were so happy.

"Wally! Set me down!" You laugh.
Wally has you over his shoulder, shaking you up and down.
"Not until you admit, that I'm faster than you!" He said.
"Never! Justice will be mine!!" You reply.
"You said it." He laughed.
"Okay, okay!!" You scream. "I'm gonna barf."
"That's the point." He said.
"Ugh, Wally I love you and all, but let me down before i stab you." You warn.
"'Ugh, (Y/N) i love you and all, but I'm not letting you down." He mocked.

Eddie was in the kitchen making himself a sandwich. Your dog, Roofus,  was sitting by his feet begging and hoping that he'd give him something to eat.
"Roofus, are you begging?" You smiled, pretending to act upset. "Are you begging, again?"
"Guilty." Eddie smiled at Roofus.

"Hey, babe? I have a question." Eddie said.
"What is it?" You asked.
"If me and Roofus were to be hanging off of a cliff, who would you save?"
"My dog." You say without hesitation.
"But like what if I was easier to reach?" He asked.
"My dog." You said.
"What if for some reason Roofus was heavier than I am?" Eddie asked.
"I'd probably install a cable car and try to save him." You smiled. "He's my baby."
Eddie doesn't say anything but smile at you.
"You just have to accept it. My dog comes first."
Eddie bursted into laughter, dragging you along. Roofus was still focused on that sandwich, unaware of what the two of you were just talking about.
"I love you." Eddie smiled.
"I love you, too." You said.
"And you, Roofus."
That gained his attention, making him happily walk over to you and give you kisses on the face.

"First one."
Julian agreed to help you find a nice outfit for your sister's baby shower. You've gone through fifteen outfits already, and you can't agree on one together.
But the outfit in your hand looked amazing, and you were happy that Julian chose it.
"Perfect." You smiled.
"Really?" He asked. "Finally."
"The sweater looked more..I don't know? Wintery?" You said.
"What are you saying? It's winter." Julian couldn't help himself but laugh.
"But it's too much fabric. I don't even know why I own it. It'll get too hot." You shrugged.
"Won't be much of a difference in the outfit we chose. You'll look hot in that one, too." Julian winked.
It made you laugh. Julian never acted like this. He was much too professional for that kind of behavior, so you know he was kidding around.
"Stupid." You snort. "I should probably tell you, Barry was expecting you thirty minutes ago."
"Oh, I know. He can wait." Julian smiled. "I'd rather spend time with my love than him."
You smiled.
"Well, I must go now." You say.
"I love you." Julian hugged you. "I love you."
He said it not once, but twice. And that made your heart flutter.
"I love you, too." You say.

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