(Contest)Harrison Wells x Reader

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"I'm sorry (Y/N)." Cisco hears Dr.Wells in the Testing Lab. (I know that's not where the actual setting was, but..)
He can't figure out what he's apologising for, so he goes and checks it out.
He stopped his whistling and quieted his footsteps.
Cisco did know it wasn't any of his business, but he couldn't fight the urge to just go back there.
"Dr.Wells, you don't have to do this.." (Y/N) cried.
Cisco watched her wipe a tear away. He tried looking for signs of why she is crying, or what Dr.Wells did.
"I must." Dr Wells said in his raspy voice. This voice was different. Rage, Hatred, and Evil.
Cisco watched in horror as Dr.Wells, as Cisco recognizes, phases through (Y/N)'s heart. He covered his mouth to stop a huge burst of gasp from escaping.
"Oh, i had such big plans for you. But you were just too smart." Dr.Wells shook his head.
He finally pulled out his hand, making (Y/N) just fall to the ground. Dead.
Cisco couldn't breathe. He couldn't even move. He was so scared, and he would be next if he didn't leave right then and there.
🎶 all around me are familiar faces. worn out places. worn out faces.🎶
Cisco's phone started ringing, and he could feel his heart just...stop. Along with the vibrating in his pocket.

"Cisco?" Dr. Wells said in confusion.
"Harrison." Cisco stuttered.
🎶 I find it kinda funny, I find it kinda sad. the dreams of which I'm dying are the best I've ever had.🎶
"M-Mom?" Cisco finally answered the phone.
"Hey sweety, i just wanted to let you know that your brother Dante has a pa-" Cisco listened to his mom before cutting her off.
"Mom. I can't talk right now. I love you so so much." Cisco hicced.
"Ciscoman Roll? What's wrong?" His mother asked.
"I can't say. But..if I don't make it, tell the cops it was Harris-" Cisco's phone went flying out of his hand and into the wall in .01 second.
"No!" Dr. Wells shouted.
Cisco doesn't talk back. He just tries really hard to swallow the lump in his throat.
"Pl-Please let me go." Cisco stuttered.
"Is this the part you tell me you won't tell anybody? The part you beg for your life?" Harrison asked with a smirk.
"No. This is the part I tell you that if i get out of here, people are going to know the truth. They're going to know that you take away people's lives because you don't have one! All you do is sit in the hiding trying to stop the hate towards you. If you want all that hate to end, kill me now, because I'm never going to think differently.. Not after this. Not after... (Y/N).'' Cisco said, tears forming in his eyes.
"Isn't that good to get off your chest?" Dr. Wells asked.
Cisco couldn't believe that he thought this all was a joke. It made him angry.
"I did see you as a son, Cisco. I wanted you to have a nice life. But you just had to be nosy, yeah?" Dr. Wells said.
"Nice talk, Cisco.." He mumbled right before phasing through Cisco's heart.

Dr. Wells feels his phone vibrating.
🎶 shot through the heart! and you're to blame! you give love a bad name!🎶
"Well, that's good timing." He mumbled as he picked it up.
"Hey Barry," Dr.Wells said as he released Cisco's body.
He stepped over Cisco's lifeless body and left the room, closing the door behind him.

Me and my pal I_Write_SPN_Trash are having a contest!
Go to her page and look in her Flash Book to read her share of the contest.
Whoever gets the most votes wins!!! Thanks guys!!

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