Breakup| Wally x Reader

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Tears. All day. Non-stop.

Yesterday your boyfriend- ex boyfriend, broke up with you. Wally! Yes, the Wally West.
He says that everything is so stressful with Alchemy and everything else going on at the time, that he doesn't want you to get hurt, and he needed some time. He even said he didn't deserve someone like you! So he cut the cord.
This hurt you more than you expected it to, so you just stormed out of the room right after you punched the wall.
All day you've been sitting in bed, watching T.V on Netflix to distract you from your feelings. Even though everything on T.V reminds you of you and Wally when you were dating, so you just turn the T.V off, and shuffled in your bed.
"Knock knock.." Iris whispered as she walked into your bedroom.
She found you in your bed, surrounded by blankets.
You somehow regret giving her an extra key to your home. But she is your best friend, so you thought it'd be appropriate.
"Hey.." You croak from underneath the blankets.
"Want to talk about it?" Iris asked.
You try to go deeper into the blankets, but you failed miserably.
"I'll manage." You sighed.
Iris walked over to your bed and found a comfortable position.
"It isn't your fault." Iris stated.
"Then how come it feels like it is?" You started to tear up.
"Because you're blaming yourself. You need to stop blaming yourself and stary blaming the real person who caused all of this!" Iris said.
"Wally?" You asked.
"Alchemy. Wally didn't want to break up with you! He just didn't want to see you hurt, either." Iris replied.
You found your way out of the suffocating blankets, and you looked at Iris.
"Well, he said he doesn't deserve me." You shrugged.
Iris pulled you in for a tight hug, which you really did need. Her presence always relaxes you.
"The only guy who deserves you, is the one who thinks he doesn't." She nodded.
"What am i gonna do without him? He was always there." You started to sob on her shoulder. "I'm so scared."
Iris only hugged you tighter and she kissed your head (sister way).
"I promise, (Y/N), i promise it's going to be okay. Everything ends up okay..and if right now isn't okay, then this isn't the end. So keep fighting." Iris said.

This put you into realisation. What Iris is saying is true. Wally never wanted to break up with you. It was all Alchemy. Wally just didn't want you to look like bait, and so he did what he had to.
Everything is going to turn out okay..because The Flash AND Kid Flash is going to defeat Alchemy.
"What are you thinking about?" Iris asked.
"Alchemy." You say.
"You can't go after him. Barry and Wally are already working on it." Iris nodded.
"Oh my gosh..." You smile. "Everything is gonna be okay."

Lame, i know! But i don't have a lot of Wally, so i figured, yeah why not?
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