🌻The Avengers?|Crossover Fic°Team Flash x Reader

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It was a regular day at S.T.A.R Labs.
Everyone working, nothing exciting besides Cisco saying funny stuff, and Barry going to save the day as The Flash. Sometimes you went out to join him, but at least it gave you something to do.

That is..until the power went out for no reason at all.
"What the-" Cisco started.
"Language!" A voice said, making you all jump.
It came from the other side of the room. You couldn't make out the face but the figure was pretty masculine.
"Uhm.. Who are you? And what are you doing here?" You asked the man.
The man is dressed in a blue jumper suit, with a helmet on covering a bit of his face, but again, it's not easy to see.
"Captain America. But you can call me Steve." He said, looking a bit embarrassed.
"And who are your friends?" Dr. Wells asked.
Everyone turned to look at the group of superheroes standing behind "Captain America".
"These are-"
"The Avengers at your service." A red and gold robot spoke.
"Woah!" You gasped, standing up from her seat. "You're Iron Man!"
"Barry. It'd be nice of you to contact The Flash right about now." Joe mumbled, into Barry's ear.
"No need. We already know that Barry Allen is The Flash." A voice said near Joe.
"What in the hell?" Joe murmered.
"Who said that?" Joe backed up.
"Oh sorry!" A voice said again.
"That's Ant-Man. Another one of us." A red-headed woman spoke up.
"Where is he?" Caitlin asked.
"On this sad excuse of a man's shoulder!" The voice came again.
"Wait.. Ant-Man. As in The Ant Man? I know who that is! Scott Lang every body!" You smiled.
"Black Widow AKA Natasha Romanoff. Then Iron Man who is Tony Stark," You gladly continued, pointing at each person specifically.
"Wait.. As in billionaire playboy Tony Stark?" Caitlin said.
"That's the one." Tony answered.
"Hawkeye is-" (Y/N) began.
"A fraud." Cisco blurted.
"Not what I was going to say.. But his name is Clint Barton." You rollee your eyes and breathed out.
"Thor and Loki are.. Thor and Loki. Different planet." (Y/N) smiled.
"The Hulk is Bruce Banner. You all should know that." Barry cut in.
"Oh! And last but not least- Captain America. Frozen and came back to life." You said.
"Like The Green Arrow?" Cisco said.
"Yes but a little different. The Green Arrow basically died on an island, but came back to Starling City. Anyways, that is Steve Rodgers." (Y/N) bowed. "Just like he said."
"And how exactly do you know all of this?" Tony asked.
"We have this type of thing called...Time Travel. Let's just say, you're all exposed by the time it's 2089." You nod.
"Wait, you guys know The Green Arrow?" Bruce asked.
"We sometimes work with them." Barry answered.
"Them?" Natasha said.
"Team Arrow." You nod.

"And do you all have lame names or.." Cisco asked.
"Well.." Captain America said.
"So there is...'The Hulk'. That's a pretty cool name. How'd you come up with it?" Cisco asked Bruce.
Bruce just stood there speechless, not knowing what to say.
"And..Hawkeye? Dude, sorry, Hawkgirl called it." Cisco explained.
"Black Widow? I'm glad to see you're a widow. I'm Cisco." Cisco smiled. "How are ya?"
"I'm Black Widow because of the fact I kill every man I sleep with. Nice to meet you." Natasha smirked.
"Okay..next." Cisco chirped.
"Iron Man. Pretty bad ass." Cisco nodded.
"Captain America. Pretty creative. It's really thoughtful and understanding." Cisco nodded.
"Anyone else?" Cisco asked.
"Thor!!!" Thor said loudly.
"Please! Do the judging of my name!" His booming voice said cheerfully.
"I'm guessing.. He's... Who the hell came up with 'Thor'?" Cisco groaned.
"Odin!" Thor said excitedly.
"Alright..." Cisco backed up.
Cisco went to his friends, and leaned in.
"These are some weird people." Cisco whispered.

"I'm Loki." A man with a gold helmet said.
"Really? Are you two.. Related?" Cisco squinted his eyes.
"Adopted brother!" Thor answered.
"Believable." Cisco said.
"Dr. Wells may I speak to you?" Loki asked Dr. Wells. "In private?"
"Sure thing." Dr. Wells nodded.
Dr. Wells and Loki walked into the long hallway, leaving everyone behind.
Loki went over to Dr. Wells and glared him.
Loki looked behind him at the wall and pressed his hand against it.
The wall seperated, and Dr. Wells pinched the bridge of his nose.
"What do you want?" Dr. Wells growled.
"Nothing in any harm." Loki smirked.
"I just wanted to know the truth. Now I have it. We can carry on our way now." Loki said.
Loki walked to the cortex alone, while Dr. Wells close the door.

Once Dr. Wells walked back into the room with the others, they were all just talking.
Dr. Wells went over to you, and sat down.
"What did he want?" You asked.
"He wanted to talk." Dr. Wells said.

"Yellow Leather? Really?" Loki mumbled into Dr. Wells' ear.
"Says the one who wears horns." Dr. Wells replied.
Loki backed up a bit as if he was surprised.
"Touché." He sneered, and walked back to his group of friends.
"So what exactly are you guys doing here?" Cisco asked.

The end.

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