Sick Day|Iris West

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Today has been rough. You've been sick for 2 days. The Flu has been going around all over S.T.A.R Labs and it so happened found it's love for you.
"Aww, babe. You're sick." Iris pouted, holding your cheek.
"Yeah." You croak out.
She feels your forehead.
"I've been sick for days. I wanna go back to work." You sigh.
"Says no person ever." She giggled.
"Don't worry, you'll be better really soon.
"Am I? Am I reallly?" You groan.

Iris giggled to herself as she left the room agree saying "be right back". You felt so horrible. Your throat burned, your head was pounding, you can't even stand up without getting lightheaded, vomiting every 3 hours, and not having an appetite.
"Iriiiiiiiiis." You cooed.
No reply.
"IRIIIIIIIIS." You now yell, but quickly regretting that choice.
You hear Iris running up the wooden stairs, tumbling into your room.
"What? What is it? Are you okay?" Iris queried.
"Can you make me some soup?" You ask sweetly.
She kneeled to your level and crossed her arms on the bed.
"You're so cute. I could just kiss you right now." Iris smiled.
"No, babe, I'm sick right now! So don't kiss me." You gasp.
"I don't care." She shrugged. "We can just be sick together."

You smile at the response she gave and leaned in for a sweet little peck on the lips.
"Hey, maybe we should have Barry bring us some BBB." Iris suggested.
"Fast Food while being sick. Great choice, Iris!" You giggle.

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