Baby|Barry Allen x Requested Reader

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Earth 5:

"Please, do not!" Lea yelled, her cries turning into sobs.
"No! You said you were on birth control." Earth 5 Barry yelled. "I'm not doing this!"
"I-I need you, please don't go." Lea sobbed.
But Barry didn't listen. Instead, he walked out of the door with a big bang. He made sure to slam it on his way out.
"Barry.." Lea mumbled, mostly because of her throat was full of cries.

Lea scrambled to her feet and, still groggy, made her way into the kitchen for the house phone. She dialed a number that she never thought she would need.
"G-Gypsy.." Lea's voice cracked through the phone.
"Lea? Are you alright?" Gypsy asked.
"I need..I need a favor." Lea started to cry. "A really big one."

Earth 1:

"Hey, Cisco!" Caitlin smiled at Cisco as he walked into the cortex.
"Hey guys!" Cisco waved to Team Flash.
Barry didn't wave back because he was busy reading one of his favorite books. Or- one of Cisco's favorite books. He always steals books from Cisco and reads them super fast. But this one, he's taking his time.
"Why..Why do you read so slow?" Harry asked Barry.
"What? I do not!" Barry whined.
"You do." Iris nodded. "When reading at a normal anti-meta pace, you're so slow."
"You guys!" Barry whined, tossing the book on the shelf.
"Hey! That is my book!" Cisco pointed his finger almost instantly.
"Th-They're teasing me!" Barry pouted.
"Oh, grow up!" A woman's voice, Cisco knows all too well, spoke up out of nowhere.
"Babe?" Cisco squealed, turning around slowly.
"Hey Cisco." Gypsy smiled, putting her hand on her right hip.
"Whatchya..Oh! There's..a woman." Cisco saw Lea standing behind Gypsy.
"Yeah, she needs your help." Gypsy nodded.
"Our help? What could we do for her?" Iris asked.
"Yeah, what's up?" Barry nodded with a scrunch of his eyebrows.
"Not your help." Gypsy said to Iris.
"Your help." She looked at Barry.
"My help?" Barry pointed at himself.
"Yes, I didn't stutter." Gypsy raised her eyebrows.
"What could I possibly do to help her?" Barry asked.
Lea stepped forward to get a good look at Barry.
"She needs your help to fix that." Gypsy pointed at Lea's tummy where there was a small little lump.
"Oh.." Barry mumbled.
"Hold up!" Iris raised her hand. "Why him?"
"Barry, on my earth, left me when I told him about the baby. I thought maybe another Barry from another world could help." Lea said.
"But why him." Iris asked once more.
"Because.." Lea said. "I know he's The Flash."
"And what's that got to do with anything?" Cisco asked.
"Maybe he could time travel to the past and change my Barry's mind about leaving?" Lea asked, hoping that they'll agree.
"Nope!" Cisco piped up.
"I can't do that." Barry sighed.
"But you've done it before!" Lea argued.
"And I've learned from my mistakes." Barry said.
"Well..then I'm hopeless." Lea sighed.
"We'll figure something out." Barry said.
"I've been trying for the past few days." Lea rolled her eyes. "Good luck with that."
Lea turned around and pushed past Gypsy and walked out of the S.T.A.R Labs cortex.
"Does she know where she's going?" Cisco whispered to Barry.
"Probably not."

Honestly! I forgot to publish this, sooo..yeah! Here!!
Part 2 will be up soon! :)

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