In This Till The End|Barry Allen x Reader

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Request for: MrsSpock

"Oh, my beautiful boy." Barry's mother smiled to her son.
"And look at Leah over here! She's so cute, Lindsay." Barry's father said to your mother.
"Thank you so much, Henry." Your mother replied.
The 3 adults gratefully played with the 2 babies who sat on the floor with little stack blocks.
"These two are going to be the best of friends." Your mother smiled.
"Oh,  I sure do hope so." Henry chuckled.

~~20 years later~~
"Barry, there is no way you're going!" You yell. "That's so idiotic!"
"Leah, I already made my decision to go. I have to save Iris!" Barry argued.
"Yeah, it's always about Iris." You roll your eyes.
"What is that supposed to mean!?" Barry asked.

"Will you guys just stop it? If Barry is going to the future, then so be it!" Cisco cut you guys off.
"I can't just let him go by himself! You know how dangerous that is?" You sigh as you pinch your nose.
You take a seat on a chair similar to a gaming chair.
"Then go with me." Barry mumbled.
Cisco stood to his feet faster than Barry has ever ran in his whole entire life.
"No way! I'm not letting that happen!" Cisco shook his head and pointef at Barry.
"Cisco." You warned when you look up.
"What? I'm supposed to just l-let this happen?!" Cisco said.
"I'll be fine. I'll be with Barry!" You say.
"Last time he used Time Travelling, OUR BROTHER DIED! I don't want to lose another family member by Barry's hand!" Cisco argued.
"Will..Will you stop thinking that way?" You hissed.
"How can I n-"
"Just stop it!" You yell.

Cisco looked as if he was going to argue, but the tone in your voice told him not to. He knows better.
"I'm sorry." You finally say to him. You actually were really sorry. You over reacted. But, in your defense, you are highly stressed out.
Everyone was silent. No one knew what to say.
"We leave tomorrow." Barry said.
And with that, he walked out of S.T.A.R Labs.

"I'll fix this." Barry nodded to Iris.
Iris gave Barry one last kiss before Barry walked off to the entrance of the track.
It made you sick to your stomach.
"Are you ready to go, Leah?" Barry asked you.
"Yeah- I'm set." You nod.
Barry picked up your body and held you really close to his chest.
"You might want to look down." Barry smirked.
"Wh-Why?" You say.
Barry didn't reply because he already started to run. You squealed in his arms as he ran, hoping he wouldn't drop you. He's moving faster than a train. You'll most likely die.
"Here we go!!" Barry yelled.

You look up just in time to see Barry jump into a blue,white, and gray orb that was floating in the sky.
"Ba-Barry! I'm gonna puke." You scream.
"Hold on a little tighter, Leah. We're almost...there!" Barry said.

You open your eyes again, only to see the both of you in an alley over on Court St.
"Wow. This place is a junk yard." You thought out loud.
"We're here." Barry mumbled.
The both of you just sat there thinking..what the hell happened here?
"We should go find The Team. See what's up." You suggest.
"I'm sure they've all separated." Barry said.
"Only one way to find out." You hum.
Your feet lead you to the end of the alley, where not many people were around. People were awful. You see people smoking cigarettes on the corners, people selling and buying drugs, and even two women making out near the club. All you could wonder is: Where Is The Flash?
"Barry?" You whispered.
"Leah?" He said.
"What happened to Central City?"

It's been a few hours since you guys left 2017. You found Cisco which was a plus. Then Cisco led you to Wally; who is paralysed. Then Wally led you to Joe; who is really mad at Barry. And Joe led you to Future Barry; who looks like L from Death Note.
Future Barry didn't really want to talk at all. He hasn't talked to anyone it seems like. He's still into those over sized sweaters, though. (Ha.)
"He isn't talking to me. He never talks to anyone." Cisco shook his head.
"Well, has anyone even tried?" You asked.
"You tried once." Cisco nodded.
"Well, what did i say?" You asked.
"That you loved him. It took him offguard and made him think more." Cisco said.
"Well, of course she does, she's my best friend. What made him so off?" Barry asked.
"She said she loved him loved him." Cisco said.

You cover your mouth as soon as you gasp. You would never see yourself actually telling Barry how you really feel. You thought it'd be impossible.
"Leah? Are you alright?" Barry asked.
You look up to him, and you see a tint of red to his cheeks.
"Yes, I'm fine." You nod
You walk out of the room, and out into the hall. So many thoughts are going through your head at the moment, and you're so worried on what Barry is thinking, too.
"Leah?" You hear Barry's voice.
You don't look up.
"I'm sorry, Bar. I don't know what future me was thinking." You shrug.
"It's okay. I will understand." Barry said.
"What do you....mean.." You trail off as you see Future Barry looking at you.
His hair is long, and he looks like an 2012 emo kid.
"Barry?" You gasped.
"Why are you out here?" He asked.
"You know why." You roll your eyes.

Barry leaned on the wall with you and put his hands in his pockets.
"Don't overthink it." Future Barry said.
"I don't see how not." You shook your head.
You roll your eyes and you walk into the room with Cisco and Present Barry.
"Hey." You say.
"Hey, who were you talking to." Barry asked.
"To you." You sigh.
"Oh. What'd I say?" He asked.
"Just something useless. As usual." You smirk.
Barry smiled at you and engulfed you in a hug.
"It's okay." He said.

"Sorry to break up the little reunion, but-" Future Barry began to say when he came into the room.
"Barry!" Cisco said.
"Hey Cisco." Future Barry said.
"Did you finally decide to help us?" Cisco asked.
"No." Future Barry shook his head.
Cisco groaned and looked at Barry.
"Uh, I'm gonna go get some air." Present Barry said.
"Honestly, me too." Cisco said.
You watch them leave and you sigh when you crossed your arms.
"Why won't you help?!" You can't help but shout.
"It won't make a difference." Future Barry said.
"Of course it won't! You're not helping!" You say.
"You don't understand." Barry shouted.

"Why am I NOT here to sort things out...Barry? Where am I in the future?!" You unexpectedly say.
Barry doesn't respond. He just looks to the other side of the room.
"Barry!" You say.
"In Starling City helping The Arrow." He said.
"Why am I not here helping you? Oh wait- I forgot! You don't want to be helped! Come on Barry, I'm your best friend! You need to just trust me and start being The Flash again!" You suggest.
"Know that I know about me leaving, I will always help present Barry no matter what." You nod.
Barry gives you a warm little glare, but instantly looked away.
"What was that for?" You asked.
"You're always trying to help." He shrugged.
"Well, in that case. Repay me. Try to help us, and try to help future Central City!" You smack his head.
"Ouch! What was that for?!" Barry hissed.
"Do it!"
"What did you say to him?" Cisco whispered.
"I didn't say anything. I knocked some sense into him."
"Oh, your famous head bopper, eh?" Barry smirked.
"Alright, enough." Future Barry smiled.
"He's smiling.." Cisco said.
"Go home. Go save Iris." Future Barry said.

25 seconds later:
" that..again." You start to throw up.
"Alright, alright." Cisco patted your back.
"Cisco?" You smiled.
"Your hands!!" You squeal.
"Yeah? What about them?" Cisco mumbled.
"Oh yeah." You smiled.

You turn your head to see Barry and Iris hugging and sharing kisses. It made you want to throw up once more.
You ball your fists and shove them inside of your pocket, and you storm out of the room.
You find a seat in the cortex, and you try to get comfortable.
Everything is pissing you off now. Barry. You love Barry. You just don't know how to tell him.

"Leah? Are you okay?" Barry's voice came in.
"Yes. Why?" You sneer.
"I saw you. You were jealous." He said.
"I was not." You roll your eyes.
"Shoving fists into pockets, getting mad and huffing, storming out of the room. I wouldn't be your best friend if i didn't know any better." Barry smiled.
"Yeah, so? I was jealous. Go on and tell the whole Team." You sigh.
"No. I would never do that." Barry shook his head.
"Then why are you here?" You say.
"To tell you the truth." Barry said.
"I'm only dating Iris because i didn't know you liked me. Now i OBVIOUSLY know you do. And i am sorry." Barry said.
"What? No. Don't apologize." You say.
"No. I have to." Barry smiled.

Without expecting it, Barry leaned in and softly kissed your lips. It was sweet and passionate for about 10 seconds. It made your stomach blow up with fireworks.
This is something you hope won't change in the Future.

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