Target|Cisco x Reader

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H-R dies. Sorry guys. :( It must be done. I love him so much, but it goes well with the story. In the end, it goes well. No pressure. No hate. 💓 FOLLOW ME AND VOTE! BUT YOU END UP COMFORTING CISCO BC HE BLAMES HIMSELF.

"Okay, H-R! You really need to be quiet if we're going to spy on her. What does she look like, again?" Cisco scolded H-R.
H-R stopped playing with his drumsticks and dug into his pocket for the I.D photo of the mystery woman.
"I believe Francisco, this is her." H-R stuck the photo in front of Cisco's face. Cisco rolled his eyes at H-R's fake french accent.
"Give me that." Cisco snatched the photo from out of his face.
"Woah.." Cisco's voice went off. He was always amazed on how attractive she looks.
"Oh! Oh! There she is." H-R shook Cisco's shoulder, pointing at the female that was over on the other roof.
"Give me the binoculars." Cisco ordered H-R.
H-R smiled as he handed Cisco the pair of binoculars. Cisco looked through them and scanned the female. The dangerous one.
He couldn't believe it. There she was. They've been looking for this young woman for months. Maybe even close to a year.
"Let's move in." Cisco said to H-R.
"I'll let the team know." H-R nodded.
Cisco grabbed the backpack that was next to him. It was packed with some luggage and gadgets that he invented for this mission. Or so say, task.
"We found the target." H-R whisper-yelled into the walky-talky.
"Dude! You can just speak into the ear-piece!" Cisco hissed.
"Such hostility." H-R clutched his heart.
"You know wh-"
"H-R! Get down!" Cisco yelled, but it was too late.
"H-R!!" Cisco screamed. He watched H-R's body fall limply to the ground.
"Guys!" Cisco cried. "We've been spotted. H-R got shot."
Cisco ran over to H-R and lifted his head onto his lap.
"H-R? H-R?" Cisco panicked.
"C-Cisco.." H-R croaked.
"Stay with me." Cisco said. "Don't close your eyes."
H-R coughed, spitting up blood at the same time. That made Cisco freak out much more than he has.
"Please..take care of these." H-R shakily shoved his drumsticks into Cisco's chest.
"Yes, of course." Cisco nodded.
Cisco's attention turned to the heels clacking behind him on the ground.
"I'd hate to break this up in all, but you guys are on private property. All tresspassers will be shot, and all survivors will be shot again." The woman, the dangerous one, said to Cisco.
"You murderer!" Cisco screamed.
"Maybe. But if you weren't spying on me for the past year, I probably would have spared you." She shrugged.
Cisco looked back at H-R who was struggling to breathe.
"Flash, I nee-"
"I'm here!" Barry said, rushing over to H-R and picking him up.
"Cisco, let's go." Barry ordered.
"You monster! W-Why!? Why do you have to be so ruthless?!" Cisco growled.
"You're starting to bore me." The woman said.
"Agh!" Cisco screamed and tackled the woman.
Before he could reach her, Barry snatched his body and ran to S.T.A.R Labs.
"Take me back!" Cisco screamed.
"You know that I can't do that." Barry sighed.
"H-R.." Cisco mumbled, rushing over to his body.
Barry placed it safely in the MedLab. He wasn't breathing or showing any sign of life.
"H-R.." Iris whimpered.
"He's gone." Cisco shook his head.
"Don't blame this on yourself, Cisco." You say.
"I already have." Cisco left the room.


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