Late Night Talks|Caitlin Snow x Reader

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You and Caitlin were laying next to each other in your bed. Her arm is lazily wrapped around you, while your back is facing her.

"Hey Caitlin.." You yawn.

"Yes, sweety?" She returned.

You turn around to face her. Her eyes look so pretty in the moonlight, and you can't help but smile.

"You're so pretty." You blush.

"You are too, sunshine." She smiled.

You tug the blanket a little more on your side, covering half of your face.

"I have been thinking.." You say.

"About what?" She sat up.

You sit up with her so that you're eye level.

"Okay, so what if sleeping is our natural state, and being awake is just gathering information for us to dream about?" You ask.

She thought about it for about 5 seconds, and then booped your nose.

"You stop that." She giggled, laying back down.

"Wouldn't that be so cool, though?" You smirk.

"Go to sleep, darling." She hummed.

"Goodnight, doll." You say.

"Goodnight, sunshine." She replied.

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