Things They Do To Annoy You

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-constantly pokes you.
-calls your name for no reason.
-when you're alone he sucks on your ear and you ¡hate that!
-"(Y/N), can I have some of your chips?"
-"Barry, you've eaten half of the bag."

-tickles you out of nowhere
-breaches in and out of your room when you're trying to sleep.
-always nosy. Always.
-"So what are you doing today?"
-"I was gonna go to the movies with Iri-"
-"Can I come?!"
-"BUT (Y/NNNN)!!"

-she's too pure for this.
-doesn't really do anything.
- p u r e

-mumbles under his breath when in an argument.
-other than that he's p u r e.

-steals your camera
-usually eats the last brownie 😞
-leaves hickies in the most obvious places.

-you always catch him zoning out. It's so annoying.
-pokes your side.
-kisses the back of your neck in public.

-always needs attention or he'll die.
-he takes you out for runs. With super speed and you throwing up everywhere.
-"Can you not!?"
-"but it's so funny, I mean lo-"
-"Don't even say it."

Hey guys! Just a small little preference.
Add me on Snapchat if you wannt

Snapchat: slenderbritto.o

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