Gorilla Trouble|Harrison x Reader

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"Harrison!" You scream in terror.
"Jus- Ru-"
Everything was like a switch. Turning on an off. They seem like memories. Flashbacks. But they aren't. They're happening right now.
"(Y/N!!)" Harrison tried to grab your arms.
His hands slipped right from yours. Today was supposed to be your day. Your wedding day. Nothing was supposed to go wrong, nothing!
You look behind you to see what snatched you up from the ground.
"G-Grodd.." You whimper.
"Me..Grodd. Yes." A deep, grumbling voice shot through your head.
You've never heard this before. You've never..
"D-Did he..he just...no way. There's no way this is happening." You mentally said.
"It's happening." The voice boomed, making you scream.
"HELP! HELP!" You screech.
Grodd's hand around your body grew tighter when he jumped away from your wedding.
"(Y/N)!" You see Harrison yell.
"Please...find me." You cry.

A few hours passed by ever since the over-sized gorilla abducted you. Your dress was soaking wet and full of mud. It was ruined. That made you cry even more.
Your hair smelled like a sewer. Your mascara and eyeliner was smearing along with your tears. Today was supposed to be your special day.
"Grodd. Why are you doing this?" You cry out to him.
No one replied to you. Not even that voice in your head that keeps coming every now and then.
"Grodd! I know you can hear me!" You shout.
"What!?" Someone roared inside of your head, only making you jump.
"Please... Let me go!" You sob. "Why are you doing this!?"
"Father bad." Grodd replied.
"Father?" You mumbled. "Who is father?"
"Wells." Grodd's voice was screaming. It was like he was so angry. Whatever Harrison did, must have not been good.
"Grodd, that has nothing to do with me. Ju-Just let me go and this can all be over!" You say.
After that Grodd didn't reply. It was silent. Peaceful, if you must say.
"Grodd.." You start to dose off into sleep.
"Sleep, mother." And that's all you heard before your mind fell into a deep rest.

Harrison's P.O.V:
"No! We're going to find her!" Barry yelled at Joe.
"This is an over-sized gorilla! You're not going to be able to find her until you guys have a plan!" Joe replied.
"You can get killed, Barry." Cisco said.
"This is (Y/N) that we're talking about. Our friend! Your soon to be wife!" Barry pointed at me.
"Don't you think we all know that?" I say. "You're not the only one who's terrified about what can happen."
"We all care for her, Barry." Iris spoke up.
"Then why aren't we out there looking for her!?" He snapped.
No one answers him.
"Bar, we need to talk." Iris finally said.
"What?" Barry asked. "What is it?"
"We think Grodd may have taken her..to Earth two. In Gorilla City." Joe said.
My heart shatters every single time someone even mentions (Y/N) being on Earth two. Away from home, away from me. It's not fair.
"Then let's go and get her." Barry said.

Part Two is coming out soon.
Sorry for the wait! But!! I've been sort of busyy, so please appreciate this small little drabble for a headstart on this one-shot!💕

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