Barry Allen|Don't Go

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"(Y/N)??" Cisco yelled into the earpiece.
"C-Cisco." You coughed.
"Are you hurt? Where are you?" Cisco panicked.
"I-I don't-" you cough "I don't know. There's fire everywhere."
"Fire?" Cisco asked. "There's a fire..right around the corner. Barry will be there soon. Just hang tight." Cisco said.
"No." You whimpered.
"(Y/N)?" Barry's voice came through.
You take a look at your surroundings. The doors are buried and the broken windows have flames just dancing all around them.
"There isn't a way in." You groan in pain. "My leg. It's..It's broken."
"(Y/N), I'm on my way." Barry's voice cracked.
"Barry, I swear to God. Don't come for me. There's no way in..." You cry. "I'm on my own."
"No you are not!" Barry's voice suddenly more clear in the earpiece. That's when you notice that he's in the window, climbing in. Even with the fire in the way, he still came through.
"Barry." You croak.
"I'm here..I'm here." He sped over to you. "Let's get you out of here.."
Barry scanned the room, and tried finding a way to remove your leg from the broken ceiling that fell on top of it.
"Ouch!" You hiss as he lifted it.
"Don't worry." Barry picked you up. "I got this."
As soon as you were in Barry's arms, he sped out of the burning building, leaving you sick to your stomach. The speed was too much for you.

"Guys!" Barry said as soon as he appeared in S.T.A.R Labs.
"On it!" Cisco ran over to the MedLab.
Your vision was a bit blurry. You assume it was from blood loss, but who knows at this point?
"Stay with us, (Y/N)." Caitlin's face was hovering over yours. That's what you think you saw, anyways.
"I'll get some wraps." She says, walking away.
"I got the peroxide and tools for her leg wound." Cisco rushed back into the cortex.
"B-Barry." You stutter.
"I'm here. I'm here." Barry's voice cracked.
You could hear a small sniffle under his voice.
"I'll be okay." You nod at him.
"I know." He managed to nod and smile. Barry's eyes were full of tears and it broke you to pieces.
"Ouch!" You hiss out of nowhere. The sudden touch of Cisco and your leg, startled you.
"Sorry.." He mumbled.
You feel the burns on your skin as the air hit it. It hurt like hell, but you couldn't scream. Nothing came out.
All you could hear or see was..nothing. Everything was disappearing.
"Barry..I.." You turn your head to him.
"What is it?" He came closer.
"I..I love you." You closed your eyes out of pain.
You feel Barry's body shaking through his sobs.
"I love you, too." Barry gently rubbed your arm.
Your throat shoved up a cough as you smile at his response.
"Don't go.." Barry laid his head on the bed. "Don't go.."

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