Tickles|Julian Albert x Reader

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It has been only a few hours after I headed home from work. It was such a long day and I was totally exhausted. I was super surprised I had enough energy in storage to drive. I couldn't wait to go home and just sleep.
That reminded me, Julian must be home too. He hasn't been working since he's got a couple weeks off. But he's probably just on that silly phone of his.
I swear, him and Team Flash go totally nuts over the cellphones. Every second they were either taking pictures, or they were on some type of app. There's a new one every week it seems like. I remember clearly Julian saying he would never be latched on to his cellphone but look at him now. He's addicted.
After a while, I reached the house and headed for the inside. The lights were turned on and I was greeted by a cinnamon scent, oh I love cinnamon. Atleast he remembered to light up the candles.
I realised how vacant downstairs looked. I then raised an eyebrow wondering where Julian could be. I just went up the stairs in order to find him. That's where he usually is.
I quickly made my way up the wooden stairs and into the bedroom that was only a few feet away.
"A-ha!" I smiled, pointing a finger at Julian.
He was placed on the bed with his little ol' friend. You guessed correctly, it is the phone.
"Give me that." I smiled, snatching away the small rectangle from his hands.
"Hey!" Julian squealed. "But I'm doing research."
"How many days does it take to grow a beard?" You read out loud from Julian's Google screen.
"Oh my gosh.." Julian mumbled, hiding his face.
"Nice research, babe." You giggled.
You continued to look at his phone until you felt Julian tackle you onto the bed. His body heat warmed you right up and you were so grateful.
"Warm.." You smiled.
"Not for long." Julian smirked.
"What do you mean?" You asked.
Julian doesn't answer your question. Instead, he started to kiss you. It took you by surprise until you saw where this was going.
"Babe..Stop it." You mumbled trying to push him off.
"No." He giggled.
Julian lifted himself off of you and then gave you the look you didn't hope for.
Julian started tickling your sides, making you squirm.
"Stop!" You laugh.
You tried your best to get away from him, but he always managed to get you back.
He tickled your neck, sides, feet, and even your palms. You were a laughing mess by the time you were done.
"Okay," you breathe out. "I get it."
"No you don't." Julian smiled.
"I do."
Julian ignored your comment and layed on top of you. You didn't mind because it was actually quite comfortable.
"You know.." You yawn. "I'm tired."
"But..But what about that movie we were g-"
"Don't finish that sentence." You warned.
"But I th-"
"Nope." You say. "Too tired."

S m o l.

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