Sasha Allen Pt.2|Savitar x Reader

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Barry's P.O.V

"Okay, so the plan is official." I say. "Let's go."
"Take (Y/N) to the van and head to S.T.A.R Labs while I go talk to him." I say.
"Be careful." Cisco said.
"Always." I nodded.
I watched as (Y/N), Sasha, and Cisco went into the S.T.A.R Labs van. When they pulled off I ran to the abandoned toilet paper factory that's a few miles away.
I notice Savitar is already there. Waiting. Without his suit.
"You came!" I smiled.
I wanted to sound as sarcastic as I could be.
"What do you want?" Savitar asked with anger. "And where's (Y/N)?"
"Safe." I say.
"Tell me, or I'm leaving." He grumbled.
"Do you know that you have a daughter?" I suddenly asked.
"Well, of cou- wait.." He said. "That's not true."
"Believe it." I say. "It's the truth."
"(Y/N) and Cisco are on their way to S.T.A.R Labs right now." I added.
"How old is the baby?" Savitar asked.
"Does it matter?" I asked.
"No." He said.
"Then why bother asking?" I queried.
Before I knew it, Savitar is already gone. I assume he chased after the S.T.A.R Labs van.

(F) Barry's P.O.V
I run faster and faster until I reach the S.T.A.R Labs Van. I was running right beside it. I know (Y/N) was in there, along with Cisco, but my only thought was the baby.
I stopped when they pulled into S.T.A.R Labs property, and I hid behind a tree.
It was a thick tree, I could pull this off.
"Isn't she a beauty?" I hear Barry next to me.
"Back off." I growled. "(Y/N) is mine."
"I was talking about Sasha." Barry chuckled. "That's her name, by the way."
I shushed Barry when I saw Cisco and (Y/N) hop out of the van. (Y/N) was holding a baby girl. My baby girl.
After that, I ran again. But this time into S.T.A.R Labs.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V
There was a huge gust of wind and then I felt someone's lips on mine.
"Aw," (F) Barry said. "Cute baby."
"Barry." I smiled.
"One of 53, yes." Flash came in with a smirk.
"Ew," He said. "That'll scare my brain forever."
I know it's about us and the kiss. But we all laugh as Iris and Barry kissed, too.
"So..lemme get this straight. You both kiss your own lover and the other will have that memory placed into their own?" Jessie asked with a confuses expression.
"Only me." Savitar says. "Barry doesn't have that. He's not from the future."
"Pretty much." Flash said.
"How will we explain this to Julian?" Cisco suddenly asked.
"Explain what to me?" Julian walked in.
"He's always coming in at the perfect time." I sarcastically say.
I hand Sasha to Savitar and I cross my arms.
"Oh! Nope! Not happening!" Julian yelled. Everyone stared and Sasha started to cry. I gave him a death glare as I walked closer and closer to him.
"I swear, Julian." Savitar said. "I will phase through your puny heart."
"For what?" Julian asked. "What will you gain, exactly?"
"Peace and quiet." Savitar rolled his eyes.
"I never liked you." Savitar added. "Never. Not in the past, not in the future, never."
"That's not true." Flash said.
"Go one, Barry. Tell him. Be a man." Savitar nagged.
"Enough!" I shouted.
Julian only groaned and walked away.

"So, she got my speed?" Savitar asked.
I turn around to notice Sasha vibrating again. Cute.
"Yeah." I nod.
I punched his shoulder gently and I took Sasha away from him so I could rock her back to sleep. She eventually calmed down.
"She has your eyes." (F) Barry says and I smile at him.
"So how are we going to keep F.B here? Oh, that was good!" Cisco said.
Everyone only shrugged. No one knew how they would pull this off. It was close to impossible.
"Wait.." Barry said.
"What?" I asked.
"We won't be able to pull this off." He shook his head.
"What? No. Of course we can." I say.
"No! We can't! The speed force is going to catch up to him, eventually." Barry explained.
"Okay? Then he'll just have to keep running until it goes away. We can still have him."
"That's not how it goes." F.B shook his head. "We can't do this."
"But you've been here for nine months." Caitlin said. "Nothing has changed."
"Only because I was still planning on stabbing Iris in the heart with a spear, and turning Barry evil so I could be created." F.B explained.
"Y-You were?" I stuttered.
"I was." He said. "Not anymore."
"What changed your mind?" Iris asked.
"My baby. What else?" F.B said. "She makes me happy now."
"Um..okay, so we have a problem."
"We haven't noticed, (Y/N)! Thank you!" Julian spat.
"Julian, just shut up!" Beatrice yelled.
"Can you just stop." I sigh. "You're just getting annoying."
"Annoying?! How do you expect me to act when I find out my ex-wife has a child with a future villain?!" Julian yelled.
"I dunno..Distant!?" I shrugged.
"Have you forgotten that we're engaged, Julian?" Angel said.
"Of course not." Julian said.
"Then why are you being so rude!" Angel said.
"I'm not trying to be!" Julian argued.
"Lies!" Angel hissed.
She stood up and grabbed Julian by the ear, and dragged him out.
"Let's just do this. We don't want (Y/N) getting depressed and put Sasha into an adoption center." Beatrice said while kissing Cisco's cheek.
"Fine," Cisco smiled. "But only if I get more of those."


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