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Two years have passed everything went so fast that we, the members didn't even realise that we've been together for four years now. A lot of things happened we've been a lot into overseas and been very busy for our American debut that we don't know if when exactly it will be.

Meanwhile, BigBang has been very active in Japan so for the past few years Jiyong and I spent a little less of time. I don't have any problem with LDR, I trust him and the only problem is he doesn't trust me whenever we've got time to talk it sometimes lead to an argument when he keeps on asking about different guys which I don't get where he gets that logic.

Today I went outside together with Goo Hye Sun and Donghae trying to catch as friends and have some decent dinner since it's been a while since we meet. We were talking and laughing like no tomorrow when my phone suddenly rang.

And it was Jiyong who is shouting behind the line who is very angry when he found out that I'm out together with Donghae, he forgot that Hyesun is together with us too.

"Why? of all the people Dara! Why you have to be with him. And why I don't know about this. Are you keeping a secret now?huh?"

"I don't want to fight with you. Can't you just please trust me?"

"You don't want to fight huh? but you're with him? What do you expect me to feel? Feel happy that you're together?"

"Jiyong-ah! I don't see any problems going out with them. They're my friends. And besides Hye-sun is here"

"That's the problem with you! You're fucking dense! Are you blind or are you stupid? He fucking likes you! Don't you get that?"

I ended the call unable to accept and process that hurtful words that came from his mouth. Tears fall down on my face and my body is shaking I wasn't able to hold back my tears forgetting I was in front of Donghae and Hye-sun.

"Dara-yah, Are you okay?"

Hye-sun sits down beside me and trying to calm me down. I saw Donghae trying to signal the staff of the cafe and I slowly notice that it was only the three of us left in the cafe.

"Hye-sun ah, Am I that hard to be trusted? Am I stupid? Am I dense?"

"Did he said that to you?"

I can see how Donghae clinches his hand and sigh deeply. Even Hye-sun can see his frustration so he taps Donghae's shoulder to calm him down.

"Dara-yah, I don't want to get involved with your relationship. But you, yourself know how you deserve to be trusted. I don't know what's with Jiyong's mind. But as one of your closest friend your one of the fewest people to trust on."

They were very concerned I can see in their eyes how worried they are about me. But I try to smile and made them feel worried less, and so we call it a night.

After that fight, we haven't contact each other. I was waiting for him to call me and say sorry to me but no after a month I never heard about Jiyong. I was devastated I'm losing some weight and I don't have any appetite which makes Bom frustrated since I can't go with her anymore whenever she wants to eat.

"Yah Ssantooki! Get up! Let's eat outside! I'm famished!"

"Bom-ah I will stay here in the dorm. I'm not hungry and I'm tired."

"Not hungry? You haven't eaten anything since this morning and it's almost evening and you're wasting your time watching that drama!"

"Unnie! let's go unnie! Let's enjoy our day off! or let's meet our friends."

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