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The couple enjoyed their stay and spent their 3 days touring around Mokpo with Hae's family. Tonight is their last night so Hae's mum decided to have a barbecue party on the rooftop of their house. While Lee's family are busy preparing the food Dara stayed in her room figuring out if what she's wearing is okay. Hae notices that Dara is not yet coming and was about to look for her when her mum stops him


"I'm just going to look for Dara umma. She's taking too long." Hae smiled at her mom.

"Aigoo. Can't you just wait for her? She's not going anywhere." she touches his face and taps his head.

"Neh umma." He could only scratch his head.

"Okay, I understand. Just help your brother here and I'll go and get her. Since I forgot to get something too."

"But umma. It's okay. I will just gonna get the things you need."

"Hae-yah. Listen to umma. Give us time too. I wanna get close to my future daughter in law."

He could only hug his mother for the happiness that he's feeling right now. Excited hearing the words daughter in law and hearing those words makes him wanna think about their future and about Dara being the mother of their children and he can't wait for that moment to happen.

"Araa! Let me go. Stop daydreaming and help your brother."

She snapped him from his dreamland and went to his brother whose busy cooking for their dinner. Meanwhile, Dara was about to get out when Hae's mum opened the door which surprises her and she almost fell on the ground when his mum was able to hold her hands.


"Aigoo. Why are you so surprised? Don't worry I'm not going to bite you, Dara."

She could only laugh at her reaction. She knows her even before, his son may not tell him about her but she knows that she's the girl that his son is waiting for. The girl that could make his son sad and happy. She knows her by name and face but not the real her and spending some time with her makes her realize why his son really loves her.

"Dara-yah, We've been looking for you."

"Mianeh, if It took so long." she could only bow her head and embarrass being late.

"It's okay. No worries. My son is looking for you. It's nice that I'm the one who fetches you here it will take longer if my son is the one who will get you here."

"Neh?" Feeling confuses Dara could only bow not understanding what she means.

"Can you help me with these?" Dara immediately gets the blanket that Hae's mum holding.

"Dara-yah. Please take care of my Hae. He's sensitive, he get's easily hurt, but with you, he endures everything because he loves you that much. Please be his strength, not just his weakness.


"And please, from now on call me umma. It makes him happy, and it makes me happy too."

"Neh..... umma."

"Ommooo. At last, I have a beautiful daughter like you can't wait for my little Lee's"

Dara could only gulp unable to reply with what she said and followed her going up to the rooftop. The two brothers are busy bickering while cooking the barbecue without noticing that the two ladies already arrived. Donghwa notices them first.

"Dara? It's my first time seeing you wearing that kind of clothes. Why do you keep that hidden for sure your fanboys will be added if they see you like that."

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