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These past few days my mind was occupied and trying to figure out what was Bom is trying to tell me. I know her, she won't act that way if she's not hiding anything from me. Every time I open up the topic she would brush it off and avoid talking about it. I hate the feeling that I'm feeling right now, there are so many questions and doubts in my mind that needs an answer.

I massage my temples to ease my headache, I've been very busy these past few days which makes me feel dizzy since I don't have enough rest and added with the worries that I have in my mind with what Bom has told me. I close my eyes and trying to ease the pain that I'm feeling, but still, it won't lessen so a heavy sigh escape into my mouth,

"Dara-yah." I open up my eyes and watch Jiyong as he is standing in front of me.

"Jiyong-ah, do you need something?"

He smiled and sat beside me and smile. We were alone in the practice room, I didn't get out after our dance practice and instead settled staying here and take some rest. The other girls went to the canteen to eat their lunch they invited me but I told them that I will follow them since I don't feel like eating today, I don't have an appetite. Another heavy sighed escape from my mouth.

"A penny for your thoughts?" I look at him, I almost forgot that I'm not alone anymore. I smiled at him and shake my head.

"Dara, you can talk to me. Remember I'm your friend too before we become a couple I'm your bestfriend."

"That was before Jiyong."

I fake a laugh to avoid the awkward atmosphere which envelopes the room. Jiyong just stared at the ground unable to react but when he noticed that I'm looking at him he smiled at me, a smile that never reaches the eyes. I know he's faking it, I know him too well, but why is he doing this?

"Here, eat this." He offered me a chocolate which I declined.

"Eat this. I heard you haven't eaten anything these past few days."

He opens the chocolate wrapper and put it into my mouth which made me surprise, I wasn't able to stop him and say no to him since the chocolate is already in my mouth. It was my favorite chocolate, it was the chocolate that he usually gave to me when we were a trainee and when I am very tired from our practice. I stop eating it when I promised myself to stop loving him.

"It's yummy, isn't it? You need to eat Dara."

"I'm eating it. And stop nagging like you're my mom."

"I'm worried about you Dara."

And that stops me from munching the chocolate. I look at him and I can see the concern on his face, the face that I've been seeing these past few days, a worried face every time they look at me I can see and I can feel the worries about me which makes me frustrated. It feels like they know something that I don't, I feel like I am left in the dark.

"Why is it everyone is acting like they know something that I don't?"

"Have you talk Donghae?"

Which left me to feel wary it's been days since he hasn't contacted me and it makes me feel crazy not talking to him. I know that his busy in Japan but a single text from him is not that hard right? But I haven't received anything from him even a simple hi he didn't bother to send. Without even knowing tears are falling unto my face and my heart is aching thinking of him, I miss Hae and it's killing me. Jiyong wipes my tears and I can see the sincerity in his eyes looking at me.

"Even when you're crying, you're still stunningly beautiful." I look away from him, avoiding the gaze that he's giving me. He touches my face and wipes my tears, little did we know there is someone whose watching us.

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