Chapter 3: Comming back part 1

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Sorry it randomly goes from 3rd person to first in the middle of the story you can tell when I stoped writing and started again I'm too lazy to change it. 
It's been 3 years since Jughead left Riverdale. 3 years since him and Betty left the afternoon of graduation. He remembers throwing his Serpent jacket out the front window not looking back.

Now here he was again driving back to a place he never thought he would return with Betty by his side. Why? Because his best friend was getting married and out of all the places in the world to get married him and Veronica agreed on Riverdale. Why they would want to return is beyond him but he didn't argue he just rented a tux for the occasion and wrote his best man speech.

"You nervous?" Betty asked when they passed by the welcome sign to Riverdale. He knew she wasn't talking about the wedding, she was talking about stepping foot in a city that chewed them out again and again.
"Mostly eager to leave again"
"Are you going to visit your family?"

Jugheads dad was let out of jail right before his graduation after the police finally admitting that he was guilty of murdering Jason Blossom. He did serve time for all his other crimes but as long as his father was there at graduation he didn't care. Even his sister 12 at the time and mother came, that was the last time he saw them. He talks to JB daily and his dad, his mother is a different story. Their relationship was strained and she had a lot of making up to do after she in his mind abounded him. Seeing his dad in jail for a crime he didn't commit because Clifford Blossom would come after Jughead if he said anything was the ultimate "I'm sorry for being the worst father ever but I actually really love you" apology

"Probably, you?" Betty also talks to Polly on a basis they even Skype on the weekend so the twins can see her aunt Betty, Jughead would occasionally join if she called him but would mainly leave her alone to spend time with her sister.
"Maybe I want to see Polly at least"
"Tell her I said hi" he said as he pulled up to Pollys house

"You aren't coming in? Polly would want to see you and so would the twins"
"I'll see them later I'm just gonna stop by Archie's say hi to him and his dad before the big day apparently my dad and JB are there too"
"Well tell them I said hi and I'll see you later" Betty said she gave me a quick kiss then stepped out of the car. I made sure she was inside before I took off, I waved hi to Polly when she opened the door and saw me in the car. As soon as the door closed I drove off to Archie's house but parked in Betty's drive way.

I was nervous I have never been in Betty's house before when she wasn't there especially when her parents were there. I took a deep breath before getting out of the car and knocking on the door. Betty's mother opened the door and seemed surprised to see her daughters boyfriend at the front steps alone without said daughter present.

"Jughead what bring you here?" She asked
"I have something I would like to talk to you about Mrs Cooper if that's all right"
"Come in we will talk in the dinning room"

She lead me to her dinning room and we sat down on each end of the table
"So what is it that you would like to talk about? It must be pretty serious that you would come here by yourself"
"It is Mrs Cooper I would like to marry Betty but I know despite what you two have been though Betty loves you and would mean the world to her if you approved and came to the wedding"
She looked me straight in the eye

"Jughead I admit I had my doubts about you when you first started dating Betty given your family history but I admit you proved me wrong, I can see you love Betty and only want the best for her, so that's why I will allow it and I expect a invitation" it felt like a giant weight has been lifted off my shoulders
"Thank you Mrs Cooper I promise you won't regret this" I said standing up ready to leave

"Wait a minute I have something to give you" she disappeared for a moment but then came back with a box
"Inside this box is a ring that's been passed down though our family It was supposed to go to Polly but given her circumstances I think it would be more appropriate to give it to you." I took the small red box and put it in my pocket
"Thank you again Mrs Cooper" I said before leaving, phase one of my plan was done.

Now all I needed to do was find the right time and place. I don't want to seem to cliche and make a huge grand gesture plus that's not Betty. I was thinking this over when I walked over to Archie's house barely having  to knock when Archie opened the door

"There you are thought you and Betty changed your mind"
"What and miss you embarrassing yourself while dancing at your wedding? Never" I replied
"Hey for your information I took lessons" he defended
"Your last concert shows it" I replied with the same sarcasm as before as I stepped into his house reminding Archie of his latest sold out concert where he attempted his own choreography let's say he should stick to sitting down and playing. 

"Well not all of us are born masters at our craft Mr New Yorks Best Seller" Archie defeated while I waked in the living room looking for my family

"Juggle!" I herd my sister shout from upstairs she ran down and gave me a hug I noticed she was still wearing my iconic beanie I bent down to hug her back and be able to talk to her properly
"Hey JB how are you doing?" I asked
"Better now that your here" I laughed and herd others join my dad and Fred were in the living room probably overhearing our conversation.

I stood up when went over to hug my dad and Fred who was also like a dad to me
"Hey kiddo how you doing?"
"Dad I'm a kid anymore" he chucked then I turned to JB
"Herd you picked up the guitar"
"Yeah Archie is teaching me"
"The basics" he replied "there isn't enough time to give her many lessons"
"Well she already sounds better then you" Dad said to Fred

"Your the one to talk who was the band named after again?" We all laughed and sat down for dinner while we all caught up, mom didn't show up apparently she is busy with work and won't be home late I mentally rolled my eyes but just nodded not wanting to start anything before Archie's big day.

"So you guys heading out tonight?" Fred asked
"We are don't now what's happening though" Archie replied
"That's the point of a bachelor party Arch as your best man it is my job to make sure that you have the best night before you get married"
"Nothing huge though right? Your not taking me to Vegas or anything"
"Damn it you saw though my plan guess I'll have to call Kevin and cancel the private jet"

I smiled while everyone else rolled their eyes I may have gotten less moody and angsty since I was a teenager but my sarcasm and sense of humour never left.
"So where is Betty?" Dad asked I swear he loves her more then his own wife
"She's at Pollys for the night but she will meet us at the wedding"

"So how does it feel to be a famous author?" Fred asked
I replied all my hard work that I put in my novel got released and while I'm no Stephan King or anything it did sell better then I expected more impressive that I was in college while it happened in the middle of my last semester in my first year.
"I remember when Veronica was reading it she was pissed when she finished and demanded me to get you to tell her how it ends."
"She also called me at 2 am demanding answers"  I smiled 3 years since I left Riverdale and life couldn't have gotten any better. The ring box was still in my pocket and if everything goes as planned I will officially be the happiest person in the word and have gotten everything that I wanted and more.

Part 2 will come don't worry this seemed to long to just be one part and this is already long enough.

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