Chapter 24: The Good The Bad and The Dirty part 2

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Is it a appropriate time to write Archie as an ass while his Dad is in the hospital? Probably not but in my defence he's realizing he was an ass and is trying to do better

Archie's P.O.V
After Betty climbed on Jugheads motorcycle Jughead drove off and neither one of them looked back. Ok maybe the name calling went a little to far but other then that I'm right. Jughead is involved in some shady stuff right now and I don't want Betty getting in the middle of it, poor sweet Betty. She doesn't deserve this, she deserves someone who will walk her to her class, who will take her out to dinner, who will protect her from the bad things in this town.

I was thinking this over while walking home, when I walked in I herd laughter. I walked towards the kitchen and there was Dad and Jugheads father laughing about something, Dad stopped when he saw me
"God Archie where the hell did you get that?" I really didn't want to say I got in a fight with Jughead in front of his dad but I had no other choice
"Me and Jughead got in a fight"
"Yeah I can see that" Dad said
"Do I need to talk to Jughead?"
"No Mr. Jones it's actually my fault I said some things that I shouldn't have said."
"What happened?" Dad asked
"I've been thinking over the past couple days about me and Betty, about how much better I am for her"

"What makes you say that?" Dad asked
"Well I live closer to her, I can walk her to classes, I'm a football player she's a cheerleader, it just makes more sense." Both men laughed
"Does Betty think this way?" Dad asked
"Well no but.."
"There's no buts about it son, if Betty doesn't feel the same way as you then you just live with it and move on."
"But it doesn't make any sense! How could they go from barely talking to each other to having this epic romance?!"

"So your jealous" FP said
"What?" Both me and my dad asked
"You don't want to be with Betty you want to be in love, listen Archie I'm gonna give you some advice: don't compare yourself to others. Trust me it doesn't work out, now what Betty and Jughead have is different then what you and Veronica have. What Betty and Jughead have is different then most people honestly but your gonna have to take into account that Betty and Jughead knew each other for years before actually getting together and if you ask me Jughead has been in love for Betty longer then he cares to admit."
"Then why didn't he do anything?" I asked FP smiled
"Because he's stubborn, plain and simple there's also other factors as well: fear of rejection, always doubting himself, is insecure about his life, but his stubbornness is the main thing."

"He's not the only one" Dad said FP lightly punched Dad in the shoulder
"So what do I do?" I asked
"Let them cool down for tonight, tomorrow you can apologize." Dad said I nodded FP left shortly after that and I went upstairs to do my homework, there I saw Betty's blinds open and she was at her bed doing homework. When she saw me she immediately got up and closed them, guess I deserve that.

The next day

I got up, got dressed and got ready for school. I walked there myself since Betty is probably still mad at me, when I got to school I noticed Veronica was by her locker alone. I walked up to her
"Hey Veronica I.." she slammed the door
"Give me one good reason why I should talk to you after what you said to Betty and Jughead"
"That's why I'm here, to apologize look Veronica I'm sorry for acting our these past couple days, I just really like you and I want what Jughead has with Betty you know there in love and have only been together for a few months now." Veronica nodded
"I understand Archie but you've got to talk to me about this kind of stuff ok." She held my hand
"Our relationship is none one else's business just because our relationship is on another level then our friends doesn't mean it's any less wonderful or full of affection towards each other ok" I nodded "plus we've known each other months, Betty and Jughead have known each other years." I nodded again
"Walk you to Chemistry?" I asked
"Of course" I smiled and went to my classes like normal but ran into Betty in the student lounge at lunch, when she saw me she made a dash for the exit but I got up and ran after her

"Betty wait!" She turned around
"What? What is it Archie? Do you have something else to say? Another thing to call your supposed best friends? You know how Jughead is insecure about where he lives and you can disagree about him joining the Serpents fine. But he is doing this to protect me, to protect you, all of us from the dangers from this town."
"I know, I actually wanted to apologize to you Betty what I said was really low you and Jughead and I plan on making it up to him too, I'm jealous Betty what you have with Jughead is something that I've never seen before. It's something that I want and I thought I could have it with you" Betty nodded
"I accept your apology, Archie what me and Jughead have your gonna here with Veronica I see the way you look at her, maybe not tomorrow but eventually love takes time, just because me and Jughead fell fast for each other doesn't mean that everyone should, it's not a race Archie." I nodded again
"Thank you for accepting my apology"
"Your welcome Archie, Jughead might be a little harder though" I nodded
"Don't worry I have a plan and it involves food"

My favourite part of this chapter is FP saying do I have to talk to Jughead he's thinking god damn it do I have to parent? I'm no good at parenting, Fred how do I parent?

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