Chapter 9: Jugheads Demons part 2

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Veronica's P.O.V
I was lying in bed doing homework when I got a call from Archie.
"Hello?" I asked it was strange that I got a call from him this late at night.
"Ronnie? It's Jughead." He sounded like he was gonna start crying at any minute.

"What's wrong?" I asked immediately sitting up.
"Clifford Blossom he kidnapped Jughead and torchered him, me and Betty managed to find him with Vegas. Clifford was gonna shoot Vegas but Jughead pushed him out of the way and got shot in the process."
"Oh my god where is he now?"
"He's at the hospital me, Betty, his dad and my dad are here."
"Isn't his dad in jail?"
"They just released him and they put Clifford in."
"Well there's that at least, how's Jughead doing?"
"He's sleeping right now... Ronnie I'm scared."
"Don't worry I'll be there as soon as I can." I practically ran out the door and to the hospital. Archie was at the fount lobby waiting for me. He was sitting down but got up once he saw me, he walked over to me and gave me a hug
"Sorry for calling you late I just needed someone to talk to who didn't look like they were gonna cry as well."
"Hey it's fine where is he?"

He took my hand and led me down a few halls until we got to a room.
"He's in here you probably won't be able to see him much though visiting hours are almost over." I nodded and we both head in the room. In there is Betty holding Jugheads hand his dad and Archie's dad sitting on the chairs, when Archie opened the door all 3 turn around and look at us. Betty gets up and runs over to me giving me a hug.

"Betty I'm so sorry about what happened."
"He was supposed to come over to my house, Veronica I sent him outside what if this is my fault?" I pushed her away from me so I could look at her, her eyes were red from crying before I could say anything Mr Jones spoke up
"Betty this is not your fault, none could have predicted what happened." Betty nodded then went back next to Jughead and sat down. I could tell she didn't believe him.

"Why did Clifford even go after him anyway? He's just a kid" Mr Andrews asked.
"He told me that he would go after Jughead if I didn't take the fall for Jason's death, turns out the bastard went after him anyway." I could tell both Betty and Mr. Jones felt bad for what happened to Jughead.
"Look what happened to Jughead was no ones fault and he will gladly tell you that when he wakes up." I said and both of them nodded.
"So what's the prognosis?" I asked sitting down and Archie sat down next to me.

"He's got a broken jaw, they bullet was taken out as soon as the ambulance got here and was stitched up, the ropes burned though his skin, he needs stitches on his face and along his stomach. " Archie said I couldn't believe what happened to poor Jughead he didn't deserve any of this.
"Is he gonna be ok?" I asked.

"The doctor said he'll be in here for a few weeks while his jaw heals but as long as he doesn't do anything to tear though the stitches he should be fine." Mr Andrews said it was mostly quiet after that but not a uncomfortable one. Jughead never woke up while we visited, Mr Andrews took us all home me Archie and Betty agreed to visit him tomorrow after school.

Jugheads P.O.V
It was all dark I couldn't see a thing I was walking around trying to find a switch of some sort
"Hello?" I asked seeing if I was alone
"Juggie?" A voice responded Betty!
"Betty?!" I asked then started to run, I saw a light and when I approached it it was Clifford Blossom standing there with a gun to Betty's head.
"No!" I shouted before the gun went off.

I woke up panting it was just a dream, it was just a dream, I am safe in my hospital bed I looked over and saw a note with my name on it I opened it and could tell immediately it was from Betty, she must have wrote it while I was sleeping.
Jughead I am so sorry you got yourself in this mess it's all my fault, I'm gonna come over tomorrow after school and hopefully your awake then.
Love you

Damn it that's exactly what Betty would do start blaming herself, I wish I could call her or text her to let her know I don't blame her at all but Clifford for putting me through all this. The clock in my room said 3 in the morning I might as well try to go back to sleep. I managed to have a nightmare free sleep and woke up again only Dad was there as well.

"Dad?" I asked
"Hey how are you?" I didn't want to tell Dad about my nightmares he's probably already worrying about me.
"I'm fine or as fine as I can get, what about you dad?" I asked
"Honestly I was terrified for a bit, then it turned into guilt."
"Why?" I asked
"Because if I didn't get into all this mess then you wouldn't be here, we would all be a family again your mom and Jellybean would be here too."
"Dad..." I was going to say something then a nurse came in to check how I was doing and to check my stitches. When she left I asked Dad.

"How long have you been here?"
"A few hours, came in as soon as visiting hours were open."
"You should get some sleep Dad, I'm fine you need to take care of yourself too."
"Are you sure?" He asked
"Yeah I'm fine I'm just gonna sit here anyway." Dad nodded then got up to leave. "Oh I brought you some things from home." He handed me a few of my books.

"I know it's not much but.."
"No it's fine thanks." I smiled and he smiled then headed towards the exit. When he opened the door to leave I said. "Don't blame yourself Dad, Clifford Blossom did this noone else."
He nodded then closed the door, I checked the clock again it was only 9 am still could sleep a couple more hours, not like there isn't much else to do here anyway. I read for a bit before I fell asleep, hopping I would be free of any nightmares.

I looked around nothing I was in the police station, I walked around at lest I could see this time.
"Hello?" I asked I could here a slight mumble coming from someone. I followed the voice then I came to the room where Dad was locked up. I walked in and there was Clifford sitting across from him. I felt like I was witnessing a scene between them, the voice got louder as I got closer to the room now I see them arguing. Clifford got out a gun and pointed it at Dad.

"If you say anything then this will be your future."
"Then shoot me now, at least I'll die knowing the truth." That's all he got a chance to say before Clifford pulled the trigger.
"NO!!" I shouted but no one heard me, I doubt anyone even sees me. All I could witness was my dad bleeding out across from me.

I woke up painting, I looked down and noticed I was sweeting. Why am I having these nightmares? Is this some PTSD from everything that's happened? I went to the bathroom in my room and got into the shower, brushed my teeth before changing into a new hospital robe. No sense in going back to bed now.
Yes part 3 will come

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