Chapter 49: the sad breakfast club part 2

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Veronica's P.O.V
I walked down the empty halls then stopped in front of the library doors and sighed
"Better get this day over with" I walked in and sat down, shortly after a few familiar faces started to come in. I raised my eyebrow at Betty Cooper who sat down at the next table over from me, Archie Andrews took his seat next to me, giving me a nod in the process. Both Cheryl Blossom and Jughead Jones came in sitting at the two remaining empty tables, principal Wetherbee was behind them and shut the door behind him. He walked in front of the room and said

"welcome to detention, some of you are now and some of you" he eyed Jughead "are no stranger, now you are to remain here until 2pm, there will be no more talking and you will take the time to complete this essay, your topic will be who you think you are" He walked around handing out sheets of paper when he got to me he noticed me texting.
"Oh yes Miss Veronica Lodge has just reminded me of another rule: no cell phones" everyone groaned or added in words of protest.

"But sir" Betty started
"No buts young lady now hand them all over" he held out his hand and I sighed but put my brand new shinny smartphone in his hand, I saw Betty clutching her pink iPhone case nervously, Archie groaned but surrendered his phone and so did Betty. Wetherbee raised his eye when he got to Jughead
"Phone Mr Jones" Jughead just put his feet up on the table
"Don't have one" Wetherbee scoffed
"Your a teenager"
"A teenager with a bad social life"
"Parents?" Jughead shrugged
"Dad doesn't care, assumes I'm at school during the day wherever in the afternoon and home by supper time."
Wetherbee raised his eyebrow and Jughead sighed but pulled out a beat up flip phone, Wetherbee gave a side smile before moving on to Cheryl who also gave up her phone with a huff. Wetherbee smiled and walked out the door leaving us alone and in silence.

Betty was the only one who was focused on the essay, while the rest of us where absently minding our own business, trying to do something to pass the time. Archie leaned over to me and whispered

"Going to the party tonight?" I looked at him then shrugged
"I don't know mom said I was grounded but Dad said I wasn't, might stay just to piss them off."
"You like your mom better?" Three of us turned to look at Jughead
"You like your mom better? Or your old man?" I shrugged
"I don't know"
"Say your parents divorced, would you rather stay with one parent or leave with the other?" I bit my lip
"Neither, I would just go to stay with my aunt"
"Hey guys why don't we just focus on our essay" Betty said Jughead smirked
"Sure Copper what a great idea" Jughead picked up his piece of paper and stares at it.
"Who do I think I am?" Jughead scoffed then put down the paper
"What a load of bullshit"

"Hey Wetherbee is right next door and can hear us with the door open so I recommend you keep quiet." Archie said Jughead smirked
"You started it Andrews"
"Well your ending it"
"Ooh I'm scared"
"Should be, I can take you down no sweat"
"Big words coming from a guy who wrestles around with other guys in tights"
"They aren't tights" Jughead looked at me

"Veronica back me up here your telling me that your boyfriend doesn't wear tights when he does wrestling?"
"Don't answer him and don't talk to her"
"I think she can make her own decision on that, she's a independent woman" Jughead turned to Betty
"What about you Betty"
"Leave Betty alone" Archie said Jughead looked at him
"If that's what Betty wants I'll gladly leave her alone, is that what you want Betty? To leave you alone?" Betty opened her mouth but Jughead turned around and faced Archie

"Just thought of a great idea close the doors Archie we'll get the princess and the nerd impregnated.
"Shut up!" Both Veronica and Betty shouted
"Shut the hell up!" Archie shouted
"Hey" we all turned our attention to Wetherbee
"What's going on?" Everyone was silent
"I herd shouting"
"Wasn't us sir" Archie replied
"Maybe it was coming from the outside" Jughead suggested Wetherbee looked at Jughead
"It's 8:30am on a Saturday morning"
"Yes I'm aware of the time thank you I can read a analog clock"
"Your smart ass just bought you another detention next Saturday"

"I'll have to pencil it in, gonna be a bit busy then"
"Another week right there wanna make it a third?"
"Why not"
"There you go three weeks"
"I'm thrilled"
"Knock it off" Betty said
"You better listen to her, you got a month now wanna make it another?"
"Wouldn't make a difference"
"Ok a month and a week card to go any father?"
"I think we know by now I would"
"Fine then two months, two months I got you Jones" he gave Jughead a glare before heading back out. This is gonna be a long day.

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