Chapter 21: A surprise dance partner part 3

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Veronica's P.O.V
I saw the look Jughead gave Betty when she walked in and smirked. Betty and Jughead never got to actually meet each other despite their roommates dating, even I have had only minimal conversations with Jughead before now normally he is out or stays in his room when I go and visit Archie. Archie has told me that Jughead has never had a girlfriend, girls would ask him out but he would always turn them down. When I asked why Archie just shrugged his shoulders saying whenever he asked Jughead never gave him a straight answer, but when Betty walked in it's like nothing else mattered only Betty.

"Jughead this is my roommate Betty, Betty this is Jughead my last minute dance partner and Archie's roommate"
"Hi it's nice to meet you" Betty said with a smile
"You too" Jughead responded he even smiled but who could blame him when Betty is around you just can't help but smile.
"Archie has talked about you"
"I can't even imagine what he said" Betty laughed oh she likes him too this will be interesting
"Don't worry they were all good things" she said then Jughead flashed her a smile
"Good to know" Betty said
"Yeah Betty you really should see Jughead dance he's really good" I said speaking up for the first time. Jughead put his head down and started to rub the back of his neck

"I'm not that good Veronica is just a great teacher" 
"Oh come on your too hard on yourself come on how about we show Betty" I suggested
"Um ok" Jughead said nervously but walked over to me and we began our routine. It started out slow so Jughead got the chance to whisper
"What are you doing?" I rolled my eyes
"What does it look like?"
"Like your trying to set me up with Betty"
"Because you obviously like her" the routine then speed up and when we finished we were both painting
"That was amazing you guys your gonna kill it" Betty said

"Thanks B, Jughead I'll see you tomorrow then same time
"Yeah see you then"
"It was nice meeting you Jughead" Betty said while I got my bag and we walked towards the exit"
"Yeah you too" Jughead said when we were out of earshot I looked at Betty
"So?" Betty asked I rolled my eyes
"Jughead what do you think of him?"
"Oh he's great he's a really good dancer and you two seem to be getting along" I sighed

"Not about me and Jughead Betty you and Jughead come on you were basically flirting right in front of me"
"We were not!"
"You were laughing and smiling at basically everting he said and don't even get me started at how nervous was to dance in front of you, it was so cute" Betty rolled her eyes
"I was just trying to be nice I never met the guy before"
"Well your gonna be seeing a lot more of him now...

"BECAUSE IM PRACTICING WITH HIM" god Betty get your head out off the gutter or in the gutter. I smirked and I saw Betty blush
"Just tell me you think he's attractive come on I've seen enough James Dean movies with you, I know you like the tall dark brooding look."
"...he did look pretty nice"
"I'm sorry what was that?" I asked when we were outside our door
"Fine I think he's attractive happy?"
"Yep" I said with a smile then opened the door to our apartment
"What are you planning?" Betty asked when I took off my shoes and jacket then headed towards my room
"You'll see" I said then closed the door

Jugheads P.O.V
Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! I said to myself while hitting myself in the face really mindless small talk is all you could think of? Not hi can I take you out sometime? Not you look very nice, no you basically just sat there I groaned then flung my bag over my shoulder and made my way back to the apartment.

I slammed the door, still annoyed at myself
"Whoa dude what did that door do to you?" Archie asked
"Nothing sorry I just had a long day" I took off my jacket then tossed my bag in my room and flopped down on the couch. Archie looked at me weirdly with big eyes and a huge smile

"Why are you staring at me it's weird, you have a girlfriend and I don't think of you like that"
"No but you think of someone like that" I groaned and my head fell back against the couch
"Don't remind me I already gave myself a I'm too socially awkward lecture today"
"So what?" I asked
"What did you do?"
"What I always do, make awkward small talk that goes nowhere" Archie sighed

"Do you need help"
"Please, I really like Betty"
"Ok so the first thing your gonna do" I sat up
"Uh huh" Archie then grabbed my hat from my head
"Is burn this"  he then got up and started to run to his room. I ran after him
"Archie! Give that back to me!"
"No! You will look better without a hat that you've worn over half your life on your head!" He stopped at his room

"You don't need this"
"Yes I do give it" Archie reached high above him
"No you have the confidence to do this"
"Clearly you weren't there today" I said trying to grab it
"No but I invited the girls over tonight"
"Why did you do that? I haven't showered yet the place needs cleaning, my room looks like a tornado went though it... the bathroom smells like a animal died in it.."
"Relax Jughead! We are inviting two people over not the entire floor" now all you have to do is make small talk, get to know Betty ask about her, her family, her hometown, what she likes, school, etc. Maybe you two will find something in common" I nodded

"I can do that"  Archie clapped me on the shoulder
"That's the spirt now get ready their gonna be here in a hour"
It's not the story you wanted but the story you deserved 😂 along with the actual story you wanted of course

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