Chapter 32: Her Savior

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.................................................. *slides tissues then quietly exists*

Jugheads P.O.V
I tapped my pencil nervously, this is the third class Betty hasn't shown up to today. Veronica and Kevin told me they haven't seen her either nether has Archie. She hasn't been returning my calls or my messages, is something wrong? Betty Copper missing school is unheard of for as long as I've known her Betty has been to school on time every sick or not, I managed to make it through my class but decided to skip last period and look for her. Archie and Veronica decided to come with me
"We should swing by her house first" Archie said I nodded and we stopped at her house thankfully the driveway is empty so I can just climb up to her bedroom like usual.

"So how are we going to get in now? Both her parents are at work and Polly is away"
"I could break down the door"
"Good plan Archie but that would do more harm then good, I could try to pick the lock although I don't know how good I'll be"
"Ooh how about we throw something at the window break it and get in though there"
"Again Archie doing more harm then good" I rolled my eyes as they continued to think of ideas while I went around the back, got a ladder that I've been hiding in the Andrews shed and climbed up to Betty's room
"Oh my god Jughead what the hell are you doing?" Veronica asked when she noticed me climbing
"Getting into Betty's room" I replied simply
"By breaking your arm? Jug you'll get hurt" I rolled my eyes
"I've done this before"
"Wh- what?" Veronica asked as she ran to the side of the house where I was climbing
"When?" Archie asked
"Recently? The other night"
"And no one has caught you?" Veronica asked
"Nope" I said almost to her room
"Ok that's kinda romantic, didn't know you had it in you" Veronica said
"I'm full of surprises" I said giving a half smile then reaching her room, hopefully her window is open or this will all be pointless. I pulled up the window and thankfully it worked and allowed me to sneak into her room. When I stepped in my heart starting racing, her room which was normally very clean and organized was a mess drawers were open, clothes were all over the room, frames were smashed, her bed which was normally made had the sheets at the end of the bed and the pillows were thrown off of it. I ran down the stairs and opened the front door then started running ignoring Archie and Veronica's calls.

Did something happen to Betty? Did someone take her? Did she do this herself? I needed answers and I knew were the first place to look was. I ran part of the way to Sweetwater River where she would go when she just needed a break and destress, I slowed down when I couldn't run anymore. There I saw Betty walking on the ice, my heart started pounding and I called out to her
"Betty!" She turned around
"Oh hey Jug"
"Why are you out on the lake? It's dangerous you could fall" I herd footsteps and turned around to see Archie and Veronica painting.

When they saw Betty out on the river Veronica said
"B what the hell?! Come back over here with us"
"Betty whatever is happening we can help" Archie added Betty smiled
"That's sweet of you guys to think that, that you can help me but the truth is that no one can help, I'm just one big mistake" she said making her hands fists
"I screwed up with everything, I couldn't see Kevin's problems or Archie's or Veronica's or even yours Jug. All I was thinking about was myself and my mom and my family and how stressful they are without even thinking about what you guys are going though."

"Betty that's..." I started to say
"That's not all Jug I wasn't just being selfish this past year no it was for years all I wanted was to be with the boy next door and I had envisioned that, who in the end didn't even like me like that, I didn't stop and take a look in front of me of a guy who was in love with me for years despite everything. I played you for years Jug."
"No you didn't Betty were together now and that's all that matters."

"And Veronica you I was cruel to most of all, when you first moved here all you wanted was a friend and instead you got a jealous girl who just wanted some attention from a guy."
"No Betty it's ok that's all in the past."
"Yeah and now you guys will have a better future" she took a step back and the ice broke beneath her
"BETTY!" We all shouted and I started running towards the ice despite being tried from running here but Archie stopped me
"No Jug it's too dangerous you'll freeze!" Archie shouted grabbing my arm
"So were supposed to let her drown? Call her parents call 911" I broke free from his grasp and ran into the ice.

I stopped where she fell and dove in after her. It was insistently freezing but all I was focused on was finding Betty. I kept swimming down and just when I was almost out of breath I saw her. her eyes were closed but I still grabbed her by the waist and pulled her close to me and swam upwards. When I got to the surface I started gasping for air. I held her bridle style and I saw paramedics, police, our parents and Archie and Veronica when everyone saw us I could see relief on their faces.

I saw Dad talking to Betty's mom and pointing in our direction probably saying that I was gonna save her daughter. She looked over and I saw her face was red probably from crying and placed her hands on her heart. I walked her over to the grass and placed her down
"Betty?" There was no answer so I immediately did mouth to mouth hopping that would work, her lips were freezing but that was to be expected and I started pressing on her chest trying to see if that would work while also doing mouth to mouth. Everyone was anxiously waiting to see if anything would happen.

After about a minute if that and silently whispering "come on Betts" water came out of her mouth and she was gasping for air immediately blankets were placed over me and Betty while Betty was put on a gurney and sent off to the hospital. I told her I would be with her the rest of the way and she nodded apologizing, I kissed her hand and told her not to worry while I rode in the ambulance with her family. On the ride there her mom looked at me

"Thank you for saving Betty's life"
"Your welcome"
"You really do love her don't you?"
"No I would jump in a freezing river for anyone" I responded and she glared at me
"Sorry, yes I love your daughter, I always have and always will" she nodded and the rest of the ride was spent in silence. Betty made a full recovery and was even sent to see a therapist for what she did.

We were all supportive of her and was just lucky to see her alive. She always called me her saviour, that if it wasn't for me she wouldn't even be here and would have never gotten the help that she needed. She always thanked me for that but I'm just lucky she survived I was forever grateful for that.

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