Chapter 26: She was my own Guardian Angel

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Bughead is going though some angst and what better way to get though it by writing more angst MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH IM SORRY IN THIS STORY ALONE IVE KILLED MORE PEOPLE THEN I HAVE IN ANY OTHER STORY IVE WRITTEN AND MORE DEATH TO COME not in this story though.... that I'm aware of
(Also I swear someone recommended this to me so if your out the person thanks for the idea and also sorry this took so long also if anyone else has ideas feel free to let me know)
Jugheads P.O.V
It's still all a blur to him, even now weeks after it all went down. There was fighting both the north and the south finally had enough and it was a all out war. Jughead tried to avoid it, he wasn't a violent person to begin with and was only there to stop the fight but then it all went wrong.

To this day he still doesn't know who shot the gun and weirder it was aimed at him or the shooter just had horrible aim. That's not the point the point is that Betty saw the shooter pointing the gun in Jugheads direction. All she could think of was protecting him.... and that's what got her killed. She literally took the bullet for him and died right there in his arms. That's when it stopped, it took the death of a teenager for the town to stop fighting and finally talk about their issues.

Alice was upset oh boy was she mad she was shouting at Jughead while tears were streaming down her face that it's all his fault. Jugheads father stepped in to defend his son but before he could do so Jughead said "your right" which for the first tine Alice Copper was speechless.

Everyone was upset of course over the loss of their friend but non more so then Jughead. He barley ates for days after it happened, or talked for weeks Archie and Veronica were waiting for him to break down but didn't happen for a long time not until they were sitting at Pops trying to get Jughead to eat. Archie made a joke saying he never imagined that this would be a problem trying to lighten the mood but Jughead was quite, until Veronica said

"Come on Jughead this isn't what Betty would want" that made him snap something inside him finally broke and he said "how do you know what Betty would have wanted? None of us did we were all wrapped up in our own stupid drama with this stupid town and it's stupid war now another kid is dead because of it" with that Jughead got up and left Pops food untouched for the first time. That night he cried and his dad was there for him, he listened about how they had their future planed out and how they were gonna move in together after graduation. FP hates seeing Jughead like this, his son has gone though more then a teenager should have to go though.

The next day after school Jughead was at Archie's house even though it was too painful being there knowing Betty's house was right next door, there was a knock at the door and Archie went to answer it, it turned out to be the Coppers and Polly was carrying a cake when they entered the house and saw Jughead in the living room. "Betty said you always had the appetite" Jughead could have cried at that moment but he didn't he smiled and welcomed the Coppers along with Archie Alice even apologized for what she said
"She loved you Jughead, I could never figure it out but she loved you right to the very end you need to make her sacrifice worth it, please" Jughead nodded never figuring it out himself he then made a decision to finally move on yes he mourned her death and still thought about her often but Veronica was right, Betty wouldn't want him to live like the way he was living. That night he ate almost the entire cake and next day he had a burger at Pops, a tell tale sign that he was feeling just a bit better.

Jughead moved on, he graduated, moved out and went to university to study English and finally published his novel that became a huge success. The first page said "to my own guardian angel miss you everyday but I know your looking over me"

You get a tissue you get a tissue you get a tissue I get a tissue EVERYONE GETS TISSUES

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