Chapter 6: Jugheads Demons Part 1

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So I had this thought: am I the only one who thought it was weird that Clifford left Jughead alone after FP got put in jail. Yes I know he died not long after but what if he didn't now I don't what my precious smol bean to die or get torcherd he's been though enough but just think about it. When most villains make a deal they don't go through with it if they say yeah just do this thing and I won't kill this person that person usually gets hurt/dies so with that in mind you will need tissues because it's gonna get violent and dark but don't worry Jughead lives also swearing

Jughead P.O.V
I was just walking to Betty's house, we had made plans to hang out and study then all of a sudden I feel the impact of something hitting me in the back of my head and I fall down hard on the ground, I blacked out after that and when I wake up it's dark around me.

I have no idea where I am or who hit me. How long have I been here? Betty oh my god Betty she's probably worried sick because I never showed up. Ok Betty's smart she probably called the police... or not since they don't care oh God hopefully she's not here too. I got to get out of here but first I need to find some light. Then I felt rope being tied tight around my wrists and legs. I'm also tied down to what feels like a chair so I know at least that. Then a door opens and I hear a voice

"Ah it's good to see your finally awake I thought you died from the impact alone" Clifford Blossom
"It's bad enough your the reason my dad is in jail now you captured me too? Why?"
"Because Jughead" he got closer to me
"You know to much, you and your little friends like to snoop around where your not allowed."
"Just tell me what you want with me you psychotic asshole"
"Oh it's simple really" then he tugged harder on one of the loose end of the ropes on the side of the chair making me feel the pain on my wrists I wanted to scream out in pain but I also didn't want to give him the satisfaction of letting him know he's hurting me.

"I want your dad to feel the pain of having the one thing he cares about in the world gone"
"What the hell did my dad do to you?"
"He got in the way, so now he has to pay the price"
"Just like Jason did, he got in the way didn't he? He didn't want to run the family business, he wanted a family with Polly that's why he was planning on running away with her."
"Your a clever boy I'll give you that" he turned around then I heard the sound of something sharp against what I'm guessing is a table of some sort "Archibald could learn something from you"

"It's not much of a compliment coming from you" I replied then I felt the sharp pain of something brush against my cheek and then felt something go down my cheek, when it dropped down to my hand I could see that it was blood.
"That's what happens to smart boys"
"Your gonna kill me then? News flash I've been gone for a while and I do have a life, friends, a girlfriend"

"Ah yes Betty Cooper, Penelope mentioned that you two seemed awfully close at that god awful baby shower"
"How would you know you didn't even come. People were having a celebration about your grandchildren being born and you didn't even have the decency to show up. This time he punched me in the face I again refused to say anything that would show that I was in pain.

"Why the hell would you think I would want to show up there?"
"You know before this Cheryl just pissed me off now I'm actually starting to feel sorry for her Jason too. They deserved a way better father then you" this got me another punch to the face

"Your just all talk aren't you kid"
"It's one of my specialties" the sharp object brushed against my face again
"All talk will get you killed" he replied
"Then I should go down swinging not physically of course you made that incapable"
"You like it? Yeah it's the same place Jason was shot same bar,same chair, same basement"

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