Chapter 16: A surprise dance partner part 2

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Jugheads P.O.V
As promised I rolled myself out of bed at 8:30 am groaning. I wanted to look somewhat presentable and wanted to be on time. After showering and dressed I sat down to eat when Archie came out in his workout clothes.

"Morning Jug"
"How are you going to the gym at 9am on a Saturday morning?" I asked though a mouthful of cereal"
"Believe it or not Jughead but most people don't wake up at 11am"
"The morning is a cruel time" I said hunched over my bowl. Archie laughed and left for the gym
"Good luck!" He shouted before he shut the door. Shortly after that I left and made my way to Veronica's school, it was empty which made sense since I was walking in it at 9:30 on a Saturday morning. It took me a bit but I finaly found studio 2. I was walking down a hallways completely lost then I noticed one of the doors had a sight that said studio 2 written in gold letters.

I opened the door and noticed Veronica was already there, she was lying on the floor stretching. I coughed which made her turn her head towards me
"Your here" she said surprised
"I'm here" I said with my arms open
"Come in" she said and gestured for me to walk in. I did closing the door behind her, I sat down next to her and began to stretch.

"So when did you start?" She asked
"When I was a kid, I was maybe 10. I only did it because my sister felt left out it didn't last long me being the only boy there. When I got older I started dancing on my own in my free time as a hobby, it's been years since I danced competivly though so I warn you I'm a bit rusty." Veronica nodded
"That's a nice thing you did, for your sister"
"We're close, always have been I would do anything for her"
"What's her name?"
"Jellybean, don't ask and she prefers JB now she thinks it sounds cooler, what about you" I asked

"Only child but I was probably enough trouble for my parents to have another" we both chuckled then Veronica stood up
"Ready? Since your rusty I thought we'd start with some warm ups" I nodded and stood up, we practiced for a couple hours before taking a small break
"It's looking great" Veronica said
"Thanks, I'm actually enjoying this" I said nervously while rubbing my hand on the back of my neck
"You know your pretty good and ... the school does accepts late applicants"
"Do they also accept Monopoly money as their form of payment?" I asked in a snarky tone Veronica put her head down
"Your right I'm...I'm sorry I didn't think" great job Jughead
"No I'm sorry I didn't mean to be rude, it's just that I never could afford much, we got by growing up but that was it" Veronica nodded
"I didn't know"
"I don't like to talk about it" I said feeling bad. Veronica was trying to be nice the least I could do is return the favour.
"Do you want to get back to dancing?" Veronica asked I nodded and we continued when I said I was rusty that was a understatement. It's been a while since I've had the time or energy to actually dance and when I have it's just been freestyle dancing along to music nothing big. But Veronica was happy with what I could do and was impressed with how fast I was catching on, at the end of the day we got through our routine.
"So Monday after school?" She asked when she was packing up her stuff
"Yeah sounds great and I'll try to practice on my own time" Veronica smiled
"Sounds great,thanks for doing this Jughead it means a lot"
"Your welcome" then the door opened revealing the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. She had blond hair pulled back into a pony tail, bright green eyes and long lean legs
"Oh Jughead I forgot to tell you this so my roommate Betty, Betty this is Jughead my dance partner and Archie's roommate."

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