Chapter 11: Jugheads Demons part 3

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ALSO REMINDER: this is 100% not linked with any of the previous chapters keep that in mind to avoid confusion in the later part of the chapter
Betty's P.O.V
"You think he's gonna be awake today?" Archie asked we were all in the student lounge talking about going to the hospital after school to visit Jughead
"I hope so" I said squeezing my hands not to hard though I won't let my hands bleed and leave those crescent shaped scars. Not only for me but for Jughead too, he already has too much on his plate I can't let him worry about me too.
"We should bring him something" I suggested Archie and Veronica both nodded then we herd footsteps, we turned around and there was Kevin painting he probably ran to the lounge

"Guys my dad told me about Jughead last night I'm so sorry" he went over and gave us all hugs
"Is he ok" he asked me
"He has a broken jaw and needs stitches but the doctors think he will survive" Kevin nodded
"Have you spoken to him yet?"
"He wasn't awake last night were going to visit him after school" Archie said
"Can I come?" Kevin asked

We all nodded it would be fine not all of us would be in the room at the same time since we didn't want to crowd Juggie and the room could get cramped.
"We were talking about getting Jughead something to bring to the hospital with us." Veronica said
We spent the rest of lunch coming up with ideas. At the end we decided to stop by his house to see if his dad was there and could help us bring something. Kevin would meet us at the hospital he said he wanted to stop by the station to see if he could get information on Clifford

When the final bell rang we all headed towards the SouthSide and more importantly Jugheads home. I knocked on the door and Mr Jones opened the door
"Hey guys, thought you would be heading to to the hospital by now"
"We are we wanted to stop by to see if there was anything we could bring Juggie" I answered Mr Jones nodded and let us in. We walked in the trailer, Veronica looked around never having been in here before. In the kitchen was a women with black hair and a little girl also with black hair.
"Sorry we didn't know you had company" Veronica said while me and Archie were in shock

"It's ok Veronica" Mr Jones said the women stood up and walked towards us Archie spoke fist
"It's nice to see you again Mrs Jones"
"You too Archie" she smiled the little girl- Jellybean ran towards Archie giving him a hug before going over to me.
"Veronica this is Jugheads mom, Mrs Jones this is-"
"Veronica Lodge, Jughead told me about you" Veronica was about to say something until JB asked

"Are you dating my brother" the room was silent then I spoke up for the first time since I stepped in
"I am actually I'm sure Jughead would be happy to talk to you about that"
"Is he gonna be ok?"
"I hope so" I said softly she seemed content with that nodded then went back to her parents
"Are we going to visit Jughead?" She asked turning to her parents

"We are Jellybean" JB was so excited she didn't even correct her farther then ran outside. Everyone followed before the youngest Jones got lost. When we got to Jugheads room Jughead was awake and Kevin was there talking to him. Jughead was in the middle of a sentence but stopped when he his mom and sister standing in the door.

"Mom? JB?" JB ran to Jugheads bed and got up to hug her brother
"I'll just give you guys some privacy" Kevin got up and we followed them out the door.
"So what's going on with Clifford?" I asked
"Nothing new he's still serving a life sentence for murder and attempted murder"
"Jail is to kind to him after what he did" Archie said Kevin smiled
"That's what Jughead said too, that jail is a luxury after what Jason went though"
"And what he's going through" I added angrily Veronica put her hand over mine
"Hey, yes Jughead is going through a rough time right now but he's ok he's gonna be ok his family is here and when he gets out he's going to go home and everything will be ok" I nodded believing her Jughead will be ok

Jugheads P.O.V
"So are you staying?" I asked hopeful
"Yes I think it's time" mom said I smiled and dad put his arm around mom and brought her close, we are finally a family again.

Eventually Betty Archie Veronica and Kevin came in too.
"Mom JB you know Betty Cooper she's my girlfriend now" Betty smiled shyly and waved. I motioned for her to come closer so I could wrap my arm around her waist
"Keep him close Betty, Jughead pushes people away but never give up on him" mom said
"I don't plan too Mrs Jones"
"Can she come over sometime?" JB asked
"Don't worry JB you will see plenty of Betty" dad said everyone chuckled we carried on convention.

I asked how everyone was doing while keeping my arm around Betty. A hour before visiting hours were there was a knock on my door. We all turned our heads to see Cheryl Blossom standing in the doorway. Before I could say anything she started sobbing

"I'm so sorry Jughead, I'm sorry for what my father did to you"
"Cheryl..." I started to say
"I just wanted to say I'm sorry so so sorry and to give you this; she came in the room, it was quite everyone was in complete shock. She handed me a envelope then left, when she left I opened the money only to see bills and bills of money.
"What is it Jughead?" Archie asked
"Money, and a lot of it" I handed it only dad and watched him look though it.After he was done he looked at me

"What do you want to do with it?" I thought about it for a second should I be taking money from the daughter of the man who almost killed me? But this money could help pay off my hospital bill for starters they aren't exactly cheap and everyone knows my family isn't the most well off in turns of money.

"Use it, if it will help to pay off any hospital bills use it it's less stress on you dad" Dad nodded and tucked the envelope away. Everyone left after that saying their goodbyes, Veronica said she will ask Cheryl about the money Veronica is the only one who can stand up to Cheryl so if anyone can talk to it's Veronica.

When Betty started to leave I grabbed her hand
"Can you stay for a second I want to talk to you about something."
"Yeah of course" she agreed
"Well just be waiting outside B" Veronica said before closing the door
"I read your note" Betty sighed
"I know what your going to say Juggie that it's not my fault but if I didn't ask you to come over then this wouldn't have happened"
"Hey" I took her face in my hands
"If I wasn't going to your place I would be going to Archie's, or Pops, or school, or any other place in town." I felt tears go down my hands

"I just hate that this happened to you and I couldn't do anything to stop it"
"But you did Betts you trusted your instincts, you knew something was up so you got help and you came and rescued me"
"What if I was too late?"
"Hey we are not going to think about what ifs ok, it doesn't matter because it didn't happen I'm safe now, I'm going to get out of here and you and I will be better then ever ok?" She nodded

"On the first day you come back the four of us can go to the Bijiu for a movie your choice" I smiled
"Sounds like a plan"
"Your sister is also very keen on me coming over"
"I'd like that as well"
"Me too" I kissed the top of her head
"So it's a plan? No more blaming yourself ok" she nodded and smiled
"See you tomorrow Juggie, I love you"
"I love you too Betts" I smiled back as she walked out of the room and closed the door. The minute the door closed I sighed, I was exhausted these nightmares haven't exactly been helping me keep a healthy sleep schedule and I have a feeling they won't stop anytime soon.
Party 4 don't worry I would never give up not this series, I even have a plan for a sequel on it's own as it's own story if people are up for that.

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